Sunday, May 28, 2017

WOMAN REJECTS CATHOLICISM BUT STILL HAS CRISIS OVER ISSUES TO DO WITH GETTING MARRIED IN A ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. People Attribute Too Much To Such Insignificance Matters Within The Grander Scheme Of Life That They Suffer Unnecessarily. If everyone were able to address the most important matters first, the lesser matters would not have the power over them that they think.

I love my boy friend, but if he cheated/abuse me I’ll divorce him (I told him so). I think swearing in front of God that I’d be with him no matter what is false promise. I hate the bullshit they force new couples to learn before getting permission to marry,and the stupid sermons like my sisters’ weddings.

Harry Riches

Happy Riches answer requested by Kiva Ann

I am a Christian, not a Roman Catholic. Roman Catholicism has its own traditions and belief system that incorporates some of what is found in the Bible. It rejects the elements of the Bible that do not concur with its pagan beliefs. This is why the second commandment of the Decalogue is omitted in its teachings and also the following:

  • Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by giving heed to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, through the pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and enjoin abstinence from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. (1 Timothy 4:1–3)

But you are not asking why marriage is forbidden. You are seeking a way to tell your parents you do not want to get married in a Roman Catholic church.

From what you have written, the impression that I get is that you are expressing frustration in all of this.

The best advice I can give you is the most important thing for everyone, which is to first establish where we stand in relation to our Creator in the event that were to die before our time. You may think that this is bull, but according to the world clock there are 153,424.70 deaths each day. How many of these people do you think were expecting to die today?

Once you have sorted out your eternal destiny, then the issue of marriage and the significance of your relationship with your boyfriend will be easier to work out. For if you are both still in agreement about living in accord to the ways of righteousness, which means loving each other within the favor of the Living God, then happiness should be yours. First things first.

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