Thursday, February 28, 2019

KILLING IS MORALLY WRONG BUT DOES THIS APPLY TO HUMANS OR TO ANIMALS, INSECTS AND VEGETATION. Many People Think Humans Killing Animals Is An Unacceptable Act Of Violence And Become Vegans, While Not Giving A Second Thought About Killing Insects. Jains will not even kill insects but have no qualms about killing plants.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers request by Diane Shatto

Different translations of the Bible can have a major bearing upon how one develops one’s worldview. Especially, if one only uses a sole translation and does not seek to grasp the nuances of the various meanings embedded within the generic quality of the words that are being translated.
Oft times different translators of the Bible into English are merely interpreting according to their own world view, even when claiming to be a word for word translation. Surprisingly, when reading the King James Version, anyone, who is versed in an understanding of the various doctrines that exist within Christendom, will notice that Calvinism permeates its pages. The Revised Standard Version, on the other hand, does not have the same subtle slant insidiously lurking within its pages, and it is more difficult to argue the Calvinist position by plucking texts out of context to support the movements contrived narrative, which is based upon false assumptions.
The King James Version is not a literal word for word translation, because it is written in English prose, utilizing its idioms, which are not found in the original languages that are being translated. Whereas, the two most literal translations (Young’s and Emphasized) are like transliterations, and present challenging reading.
Thou shalt not kill does imply that a person needs to be a Jain. Jains strive to keep their vow of non-injury to all living things. Evidently, according to reports, Jains abstain from killing any living thing—which is impossible. Jains are seen wearing a robe and using a broom to gently sweep away insects so as not to harm them.[1] The more extreme Jains wear masks over their mouths lest they accidentally swallow a fly or a microbe or some other minuscule living thing. However, it is impossible not to kill a living thing, because watching Jains walking, they often do not look where they are going. Besides, they kill plants and eat microbes attached to vegetation that they are not aware of eating.
The right translation of the seventh injunction of the Decalogue is: You shall not murder.
Murder or Killing: Any Difference?
The difference between murder and killing arises out of the passion of the flesh. Murder is motivated more from emotive reasoning, while the other is merely the act of exterminating a person. A murderer is killed for his crime, not murdered. The commandment is not “You shall not kill” but as translated in the most literal versions of the Bible (Young’s Literal translation and The Emphasized Bible), “You shall not murder.” This makes sense, because murder incorporates intent, whereas a person can be killed unintentionally, due to negligence, or in an accident, and this is never considered to be murder.—extracted from the The Value of Life
The commandment actually incorporates more than the physical act of intentionally killing a person.
Hatred is the same as Murder
There is a modern movement targeting violence in families—especially against men beating their wives. Wife beating is contrary to the spirit of love that God actually desires humanity to enjoy, and especially in a marriage relationship. Men who bash their wives have often already committed murder in their hearts. Often the only reason they do not murder their wives is that they are afraid that they might be imprisoned. On occasions, some men may not beat their wives, but simply murder them with their own hands or pay someone else to murder them instead. Nevertheless, murder can be committed when a person simply hates the other person. Tragically, many people have lived in a relationship where murderous thoughts have predominated and hatred has turned hearts cold towards each other. Hatred is the same as murder (1 John 3:15)—extracted from the The Value of Life
From what I have been able to ascertain, the commandment, You shall not murder, is a reference to the intentional killing of a human being only, but also has other psychological and sociological implications.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

IF THE BIBLE SAYS THAT A CIRCLE WAS PLACED ON THE FACE OF THE WATERS TO FORM THE EARTH, MAYBE IT WOULD HAVE TO BE FLAT, AS CLAIMED BY FLAT EARTHERS. But The Bible States The Waters Under The Heavens Were Gathered Together Into One Place, And The Dry Land Was Caused To Appear, Which Implies That Water Was Contained Within The Firmament That Surrounded It. So when speaking of the circle of the Earth, this is the observation we make when we do a 360 degree turn.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers request by Anonymous

When a person asks why did you prefer evil rather than doing good, naturally, you will blame the Bible.

Why did the Bible say that the Earth is flat? The Bible cannot speak!
If people actually read the Bible with a desire to understand what is written within its pages, maybe they would not ask questions that demonstrate ignorance.
  • They deliberately ignore this fact, that by the word of God heavens existed long ago, and an earth formed out of water and by means of water. (2 Peter 3:5)
  • And God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament….And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so.…And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:6-19)
To put a firmament (or anything) in the midst of water is tantamount to separating water from water, as if one were putting a ball in the midst of water.
When you read that a firmament was created in the midst of the waters and the two great lights were made, one of which is definitely spherical—the moon!—why do the ignorati not recognize the obvious?
People, who were capable of building architectural structures that modern man marvels at today, because the technologically to do so does not exist, according to the deluded intelligentsia of this current time, were too unintelligent to recognize what a sphere looked like.
As for the statement in the Bible that the sun was set in the Heavens, this does not indicate that the inspired writers of the Holy Writ believed the sun was set in one place in the Heavens; neither does anything else like expressions such as “the ends of the earth” mean they thought that planet Earth was flat.
  • May he rule from sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth. (Psalm 72:8)
  • Then Solomon said, “The Lord has set the sun in the heavens, but has said that he would dwell in thick darkness. I have built thee an exalted house, a place for thee to dwell in for ever.” (1 Kings 8:12-13)
Neither did the writers of the Bible believe that God could be housed in a building.
  • The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man….[The truth is]…. In him we live and move and have our being. (Acts 17:24-28)
The only people who believe in a flat Earth belong to the gullible. The gullible believe that the ancients were stupid. The gullible will believe anything they are told or have read somewhere without seeking answers to some very important questions (e.g. Why am I born only to die? Why does futility have to reign? Why do humans tell lies and not expect other people to lie to them? Where is the justice in being born to suffer?).
In one of the ancient writings, we read that the sun makes a circuit in the Heavens. This does this mean that the Earth is flat.
  • Gentlemen, are not women strong? The earth is vast, and heaven is high, and the sun is swift in its course, for it makes the circuit of the heavens and returns to its place in one day. (1 Esdras 4:34)
Foolish people will think that other people are not intelligent, because they lack the insight to recognize that intelligence is bestowed upon all humans. Whether humans use their ability to be intelligent and recognize that wisdom is the epitome of intelligence is another matter. For all humans are intelligent, but not all humans are wise.
  • The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. (Proverbs 12:15)
  • Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. (Proverbs 13:20)
Anyone who has observed an eclipse begins to recognize that a sphere exists when it comes to the two circles that circuit the Earth—so why not the Earth?

Just watching the Moon over a period of a month, the evidence is the Moon is a ball.

The question regarding the Bible stating that the Bible is flat, suggests that anyone believing this false assertion would also believe that the Bible states the Moon is flat.
When people read the Bible, they first have to learn how to read; but before they read, someone has to produce the writing.
Astoundingly, people thinking that they are intelligent, propose that ancient people, who had the capacity to create symbols with which to write and read, were not intelligent enough to observe the world in which they lived and recognize that the Moon was a sphere.
Now if people are able to recognize that the Moon is a sphere, they just might think that the Earth could be a sphere as well. They might even think that the Sun could complete a circuit around a spherical Earth. It just so happens that people are capable of thinking this, even if they do not conceive of the Earth spinning around an invisible axis at 1040 mph, with the Moon encircling it at 2288 mph, while they together fly around the Sun at 70,000 mph.
Every human knows that the Earth is spinning at 1040 mph and we are travelling at 70,000 mph—but them maybe not! After all, that the Earth spins while travelling at some 70,000 mph is rather hard to prove. Not everybody can just jump into an intergalactic spaceship and check the speedometer while flying around the Sun alongside planet Earth. On the other hand, a spherical Earth is nowhere as difficult to conceptualize or prove. All one has to do is observe the Moon, or climb the peak of solitary mountain, or go down to the ocean in the early hours of the morning and stand on a cliff, to realize we live inside a spherical covering

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

PEOPLE BELIEVE NONSENSE AND THEN ATTEMPT TO ASSERT AUTHORITY EVEN THOUGH THE EVIDENCE IS CONTRARY TO THEIR CLAIMS. This Is No More Evident Than When False Assumptions Are Made Because People Are Not Willing To Come To God And Reason With Him, Preferring To Express Their Ignorant Opinions As Fact Rather Than Seek Out, And Acknowledge, The Truth. People believe in the Big Bang without proof, and they believe many things that are written by others that are not supported by evidence, such as God creating the Heavens and Earth in seven 24-hour days, while ignoring the fact that the Sun and the Moon were not created until the fourth day.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches, answers question by anonymous

Flat Earth theory is a psy-op that is being promoted so the label fake news can be used against those who are exposing NASA propaganda.

According to the Flat Earth theory the center of the Earth is where the North Pole lies and the Antarctic region lies around the perimeter of the circle of the planet.
Consider the following :
  1. The countries surrounding the Arctic Circle would be tropical if the North Pole were the center of the Earth.
  2. The Arctic Circle would not have long winters and darkness for about six months if it were at the center of the Earth but be like countries at the Equator that have little variation in daylight and nighttime hours.
  3. The Arctic Circle would not have long summer periods of light for about six months if it were at the center of the Earth like the Equator.
  4. The distances between cities in North America, Europe and Asia would be closer than what they are today, if the distances within and between Chile, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina are correct.
  5. If the distances between cities in North America, Europe and Asia are correct, the distances within and between Chile, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina would be much longer.
  6. Chile, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina would be covered in ice and frozen because they would be much further from the Sun than they are today.
  7. Antarctica would have corresponding regions on the East and West that would be tropical and subtropical, because this is the route of the Sun.
  8. The Sun shining on a Flat Earth means that the side facing the Sun would have sunlight until it went under the Earth, but this does not happen.
  9. When half the Earth is light the other half is in darkness.
  10. The Sun does not circle the Earth like a person could circle an area in darkness and shine directed light from a torch; instead it lights up everything that is facing it, while the side not facing it is in darkness— something that can be proven with any object casting a shadow; the shadow is on the opposite side not facing the Sun.
  11. A Flat Earth would require 24 hours of darkness every 48 hours because it takes 24 hours to move across one side to the other.
  12. The time it takes the Sun to get from one side of Antarctica to the other side creates a major problem for the idea of a Flat Earth, because when it is 12.00 midday in England, it is 12.00 midnight in New Zealand and while it is 12.00 midday in New York (40*N, 74*W) it is also 12.00 midnight in Beijing, China (39*N, 116*E), which is about same latitude in the Northern Hemisphere but the same time zone as Albany, Australia (35*S, 117*E) situated in the Southern Hemisphere, experiencing a different season of the year due to the Sun being in the North and not the South.
  13. If water always finds its own level: How can tides rise 30 feet or more?
Truth is not about merely believing in the Big Bang Theory or any other assumption, but what is real and provable now. You might believe that gold is money and money is required for you to have food, yet if you plant gold or money in soil and expect to produce a harvest, nothing happens.
You might believe a seed is dead, but put it in soil, water it and to your surprise, it grows and produces food.
You might believe the Bible is alive and living, but put it down in a glass container and watch to see if it moves.
The Bible states that the Word of God when sown in honest and generous hearts and brings forth good fruit (Luke 8:5-15). That word is not the Bible itself, rather something else that is sown by the Spirit of God (John 5:39-40; John 15:3Titus 3:5 ) and if you were to see it in the spiritual realm it would look like a pearl (Matthew 13:45-46) that is really a seed waiting to sprout.
The Flat Earth theory is fake news that will enable powerful propagators of fake news to shut down sites that present it as fact, along with anyone questioning whether the Earth is spinning or not, and the other fake news promulgated by the “official” media—which is renown for its propaganda.
In a train or a plane, we can walk up and down the aisle and get to our destination at the speed of the vehicle in which we are traveling.
However, if we are ON top of a traveling train and we throw up a ball in the air, it will not fall straight down to us as when inside the carriage; instead it will probably fall some distance behind the train. Likewise, we can jump up and down in the same spot inside a moving plane; but if we were on the wing of a plane that was flying (which is really impossible, but if we were) and decided to jump, we would need a parachute, because we would not come straight down on to the wing, for it would have moved—especially when travelling at 520 mph.
If the Earth is traveling at 1040 mph from the East to the West, then any plane traveling due West at 520 mph would not arrive at its destination, 2000 miles away, in around 4 hours. In fact, traveling westwards, the Earth would complete one circuit plus to catch up to the plane. Conversely, any plane traveling due East would reach a travel destination, 2000 miles away, in about one hour, traveling at 520 mph.
If the claim is that we are in the atmosphere of the Earth, therefore we can travel in the same way as we would when inside a moving carriage or plane, but once we are out of the Earth’s atmosphere we would spin off, this might make sense, especially if the Van Allen Belts become the ceiling.
If the Earth is stationary then this would explain why distances and times are consistent when travelling from East and when traveling West.
For instance, if it takes 1 hour to travel 550 miles by plane, two airports on the same latitude at the equator, 550 miles apart, would be an hour away. But if the Earth is spinning at 1040 mph, then the plane would be traveling too slow to keep up with the planet once it leaves the ground, if heading West. Likewise helicopters would not be able to hover above a location if it were moving.
Helicopters have to move at the speed of any vehicle traveling due East or due West, if they are remain above it. If they merely hover, the vehicle will move on, but not the Earth.
From observation and general knowledge (telephoning somebody you know 12000 miles away and asking whether it is midday, when it is midnight at your place) it is easy to prove that the Earth is a globe the Sun orbits. However, it is not so easy to prove that the Earth is actually spinning.
The Moon, the Sun and the Heavens could actually be spinning around the Earth instead of the Earth spinning at 1040 mph as it orbits the Sun traveling around 70,000 mph, while the Moon circles it at some 2288 mph.
Evidently, the French physicist Jean-Bernard-Léon Foucault suspended a large iron ball from a wire swinging freely from a height of over 200 feet and as the ball, known as "Foucault's pendulum," swung in the same vertical plane the Earth rotated beneath it.
But try this with a helicopter and it doesn’t work, which it should if true, because the helicopter is not attached to anything. But this is not the case, as the replies to the following question indicate: If a helicopter hovers in the air for 24 hours, would Earth rotate and come back to the same place?
The Earth is not flat, but a globe. The real question that needs to be answered: Is the Earth spinning or stationary?
Whichever way you look at it, chance has nothing to do with the Creation if the Earth is spinning or stationary. But to claim that the Earth is flat and encircled by Antarctica is the same as saying there is no Creator, because the evidence is that we live on a globe upon which the Sun shines 24/7 that had to be created so that life could exist and the seasons bear witness to this fact. (Genesis 1:13-15; Acts 14:17).
If the Earth would be flat, the Sun would either shine 24/7 or (if there is to be darkness, as the Sun sweeps under the Earth and returns to the East to run its course again) the darkness of the night would be much longer than current 12/12 dichotomy of night and day at the Equator.
The North Pole would know 24 hours of sunlight and 24 hours of darkness, not six months, as it currently does.
The Flat Earth theory is just so inconsistent with our real experience if we, open our eyes and, consider what happens every day, every month, every three months and every six months and every year, as the Sun moves from North to South. Not only does the Moon take on different shapes as the Earth casts a shadow on it demonstrating it is curved, but also is seen even alongside the Sun, when not shining in the night.
The Bible clearly states that a fool delights not in understanding but merely in expressing an opinion (Proverbs 18:2). To deny the evidence the way the Moon, the Sun and the Earth interact like clockwork is not only to deny it was created by a Creator but also to deny the obvious truth, that the planet upon which we live is a sphere!

Monday, February 25, 2019

THE SIXTH SEAL OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION EXPOSED TO BE NOT WHAT MANY THINK IT IS. Many Believe Jesus Will Rapture His Followers When This Seal Is Opened But They Do Not Know Whether It Will Be Opened At Washington, London, Brussels, The Vatican, Mecca Or Jerusalem. The truth is the Bible teaches that the time when the resurrection will occur is when the last trumpet is blown and this does not happen during the time of the sixth seal.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches Answers request by John Love Wagner

There is no evidence of any rapture mentioned at the opening of the sixth seal. But when the sixth seal is opened all hell is let loose.
  • When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale; the sky vanished like a scroll that is rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the generals and the rich and the strong, and every one, slave and free, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand before it?” (Revelation 6:12-17)
The sun is the source of life on Earth. Without the sun, the Earth would freeze and life would die. When the sixth seal is opened, the sun ceases to shine its light. This signifies God withdrawing from the Earth. The moon turns to blood. This represents the blood covering upon those who are protected from the Devil. The stars that fall are those angels that form part of the host of Heaven. These angels decide to join the Devil; therefore they are to be thrown out of Heaven.
  • And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. (Revelation 12:9)
The demonic forces are bitter. They are intent on taking out their frustrations upon the residents on Earth. Whatever wickedness has been happening up until this point is going to be increased, so much so that those who are not protected by the blood of the Lamb are going to suffer among themselves and they will be crying out for a savior. All who love mammon, and believe the lie of evolution, are going to seek world government. A financial crisis is going to occur that threatens the food supplies of the people of the cities. Unrest is going to be so great. Those who are in power will feel terrifyingly threatened by those in the street. Civil disobedience will threaten political leaders to plead for action. The scene is set for the opening of the seventh seal and the Antichrist to be revealed.
Regarding this seal, however, many people confuse what is written concerning this sixth seal with what Lord Jesus stated in the book of Matthew:
  • “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; and he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Matt. 24:29-31)
Jesus provided a succinct statement that gives an overview of what is to happen when He returns. When this sixth seal is opened, we are told there is going to a seismic happening that will probably be sending tsunamis around the world. This is the time the Devil comes down to Earth. We need to understand the following symbolically and not take this literally. The sun represents the Father. The moon reflects the glory of the Father and symbolically represents the Son.
The day of the last trumpet is when the dead in Christ will be raised from the dead and those who are alive will be caught to meet the coming King of Kings in the clouds.
  • Lo! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable nature must put on the imperishable, and this mortal nature must put on immortality. (1 Corinthians 15:51-53)
As you can see the last trumpet was not mentioned at the time of the sixth seal. But we are told that the last trumpet is when the mystery of the gospel is completed and we mere mortals in the flesh, who are in Christ, put on immortality.

Friday, February 22, 2019

ATHEISTS MAKE PEOPLE LAUGH BECAUSE THEY SPOUT NONSENSE SUCH AS GOD DOES NOT EXIST BECAUSE THEY CANNOT SEE HIM. Ask Atheists Whether They Believe That They Are Inhaling Oxygen When Breathing And They Will Say That They Do, Even Though They Cannot See What They Are Breathing. When Jesus was talking to a Jew, He told him that the Spirit of God is like the air (wind), you hear the sound but cannot see it; but the Jew found this idea difficult to grasp, just as all spiritual truths are difficult to understand if you are suffering from a darkened mind.

How can a person see the outside of prison walls when locked away on the inside, surrounded by four walls, a concrete roof, and a concrete floor?
You might be able to see all sides of an ant, as you watch it in a glass container, but even then there are constraints, because you have to move the container around to see every side of the ant, including the underside.
You might realize that you are a finite being like the ant, and recognize that you cannot see the outside of your world, for you are always on the inside looking out.
When it comes to a house, if you have cameras installed so that you can see the walls outside, the roof overhead, and even under the flooring, this does not mean you possess infinity. Your instruments merely provide you with some extra capacity, but you require faith to assure yourself that what you are seeing is really there. What if your instruments have been fiddled with and what you are looking at is not what really exists outside your premises?
You may not see the air, but you can feel its movement—called “wind”. You may believe the air exists, but how can you be sure of what it consists. Your instruments could be faulty or your assumptions could be incorrect.
The air can be measured by instruments to provide various readings as to composition, temperature and movement. With your natural senses you can sense whether the air is hot, cold, dry, damp, putrid, polluted, moving or still. But you cannot see the air with your naked eye, if there is no particulate in it. Neither can any form of technical scope see that air, for scopes are used to identify things that exist by receiving reflected light.
Neither can you see the wind, even if you can see its effects. Trees swaying and leaves rustling provide both visual and auditory experiences associated with the wind, but these are not the same as seeing the wind blow without effect.
You will feel the wind. You may even hear the wind with your ears, as it blows past; if blowing fast enough, and providing your auditory sensitivity is sensitive enough.
Jesus spoke of the wind, when speaking of the necessity of rebirth, if a person is to exit the futility of being merely born to die and actually enter into eternal life.
  • Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’ The wind blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know whence it comes or whither it goes; so it is with every one who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:5-8)
Just because the finite ones cannot see the Infinite One, this does not mean we cannot feel the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. Likewise, people cannot see the wind with their naked eye, but this does not mean people cannot feel it. When it comes to the movement of air, instruments do not count, unless there is an instrument that enables people to see the wind.
Claiming evidence of the wind’s existence from secondary measures is tantamount to claiming God exists because people have various rites, rituals and gatherings to acknowledge that this is so.
Either you are consistent in your methodologies for determining truth or you are just kidding yourself. In which case, to claim that a person or a thing does not exist because of secondary evidence, but another does exist, is scientific fraud.
Jesus said that those born a second time, who experience a spiritual rebirth, are like those who feel the wind. They do not see the wind, but they certainly feel it.
The Bible informs us that the reason you exist on this planet is to seek after God, in the hope that you might be serious enough in your quest to actually desire to find Him. But the Bible does not speak of seeing God before you feel Him; rather, it says that you need to feel Him, before you will ever get to see Him.
The Infinite Creator God is not the imagination of someone’s mind which can be illustrated by a work of art.
  • And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us, for ‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your poets have said, ‘For we are indeed his offspring.’Being then God’s offspring, we ought not to think that the Deity is like gold, or silver, or stone, a representation by the art and imagination of man. (Acts 17:26-29)
People like to create art to depict what they imagine God might look like. The illusionary world of the virtual fascinates the minds of many, who project facades of peace and tranquility, while inside they are like a duck frantically paddling with its legs under the water, while it appears to gracefully glide on the surface, without a care in the world—except when a pickup backfires.
  • Truly God is good to the upright, to those who are pure in heart. (Psalm 73:1)
  • Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)
Only the pure in heart are able to see God. To be pure in heart, the Spirit of God needs access by invitation to wash the filth away that resides within—but do not foolishly think that this is as simple as washing away the putrid dried spew off the walls and windows that was flung high and wide the night before, during the horror of the unexpected.
  • He saved us, not because of deeds done by us in righteousness, but in virtue of his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit which he poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life. (Titus 3:4-7 )
The reason atheists reject God—which is their God-given right—is because they are deceived and believe they have no need of anybody to provide for them a reason for being born into futility of suffering and death.
Many who claim to be atheists embrace Buddhism, because they believe that coming from nothing and transmigrating through a series of meaningless material manifestations, to finally achieve nothing once more, possesses enormous significance.
Many of these individuals have a fetish about their IQ (Ignorance Quotient). Under the circumstances, when you know a little about how the human psyche works, this is understandable. But, really, why would you want to focus on how little you know, as a finite being, compared to the immeasurable knowledge possessed by the Infinite One.
What is the value in knowing that you have measured your IQ at 250? Compared to omniscience, all you would demonstrate is you possess nothing less than ignorance blowing in the wind. Such individuals do not realize that it is a tragedy to possess minute intelligence at a measure of 250, yet being bereft of wisdom, which is probably why they do unspeakable things in front of mirrors.
A true scientist could never be an atheist. The fact that the Moon traverses around the Earth, which spins on its tilted axis, while orbiting the Sun at 70,000 miles, and has done so more than once every 365.242 days, obliterates any misconception that this occurs by chance.
To be absolutely honest, I cannot provide proof for the Moon traveling around the Earth at the speeds claimed, or the Earth spinning on its axis on a tilt at the speeds claimed, or that these two objects orbit the sun at the speeds claimed. But if what we are told is true, this did not happen by chance, year in, year out, for millennia.
The truth is the Moon has a cycle, the seasons have a cycle, and the days are regular. The evidence is that these had to have been created by the Creator. To deny this is to deny the truth. When we reject the truth, we will believe anything—even believe that God does not exist, or aliens run the planet, or men are girls and women are boys and neither were meant to either.
You have to admit that the fact girls grow up and bleed on a regular basis, does not appear to have occurred by chance. Atheists believe that this is the case. Otherwise they might have to admit that God created Eve (not Steve) for the purpose of females conceiving and bearing children.