Wednesday, October 19, 2016

THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS ARE NOT SO DEADLY AT ALL. But The Seven Deadly Sins Are Not Exactly What The Bible Calls The Sins God Hates. Yet sin is evil because it brings death.

Harry Riches
Harry Riches · Answers

The modern concept of the seven deadly sins is linked to the works of the fourth-century monk by the name of Evagrius Ponticus who listed eight evil thoughts—wikipedia. 
The Seven Deadly Sins are often not seen as being deadly at all. One may even wonder why they would be deadly. Here is the list: pride, envy, wrath, gluttony lust, sloth and greed.
People have attempted to align these with what is in Proverbs (6:16–19):
Here are six things which the Lord hates, seven which are an abomination to him:
These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
  1. A proud look,
  2. A lying tongue,
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood,
  4. A heart that devises wicked plans,
  5. Feet that are swift in running to evil,
  6. A false witness who speaks lies,
  7. And one who sows discord among brethren.
Pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth and greed do not exactly correlate with the seven lists of abominations found in the book of Proverbs. We see pride envy, greed, wrath, but not gluttony, lust and sloth.
Why are they called deadly? When they were formulated for use in the Roman Catholic Church, while usury was a grave sin and banned by the church, indulgences were not. Indulgences is the wicked plan designed by Roman Catholic Church to trick people into believing that they can buy their salvation or be kept out of purgatory provided they paid the price to sin.
Salvation cannot be brought or earned. The price for salvation has been paid. Lord Jesus Christ is the only person who could pay the salvation price for mankind. This price was the life of a person who had never sinned. Jesus of Nazareth lived that life and was raised from the dead and declared to be the Son of God because of his ability to overcome death. However, the good news is there is an inheritance available for all to claim—eternal life.
The life of Jesus of Nazareth can now become the substitute life for you to claim as yours so that you do not have to be judged for your deeds in this life. However, this requires repentance from dead works and faith towards God.

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