Friday, November 23, 2018

BIZZARE IDEAS OF EVOLUTION CREATE CONFUSION IN MINDS OF STUDENTS, WHEN THEY KNOW THAT CHANCE DOES NOT PRODUCE UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIZED FUNCTION OR BUILD STRUCTURES THAT RELY UPON CONSISTENCY OF REPETITION TO EXIST. More Confused Are Students Who Have Been Raised In Families That Accept The Universe Is The Creation Of The Creator And Not A Product Of Chance. Christian recognition of a purposeful Creator confounds non-Christians attracted to Buddhist ideas of unknowable energy creating the Universe and producing an environment for life to exist on Earth so that many souls can progress in their numerous transmigrations from being non-existent to achieving nirvana, having gone through various different forms of existence before becoming non-existent once more.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers request by Sam Shin

Science, true science supports what true Christians accept. False science promotes the unprovable as fact, which gullible little boys and girls accept to be true. Scientific propaganda has nothing to do with truth.

Truth is always demonstrable in some way. A true Christian demonstrates a changed life. A true scientist does not promote what cannot be proven as fact. Many Christians are scientists, but they do not promote any fairies (e.g. evolution) because they cannot prove the fairy exists. However, as the bionic ear was created by a Christian medical scientist, so, too, have many other advancements been made by Christians.

Logic is a falsity in many ways because it is merely a methodology. Logic based upon a false assumption is always incorrect.

But here is some logic:
Everybody is born and everybody dies.
Being born to die is futile unless there is an eternal purpose.
Therefore: when a person discovers the eternal purpose, life becomes meaningful.
Eternal purpose means that there has to be an Eternal Intelligence
If there is an eternally Intelligent One, the mortal ought to seek Him.
Therefore: mortal beings who neglect to seek the Immortal One are…..

Reality Is About Relationships Not Fairies Evolving From Human Imagination

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