Wednesday, October 25, 2017

THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL IS POSTULATED AS BEING AN IDEA RATHER THAN THE LOVE OF MONEY, BUT COULD THIS REALLY BE TRUE? The Reality Of Desiring Money (Riches, Wealth) Is Overpowering For Those Who Became Futile In Their Thinking; For They Forget Death Reigns Over All, Not The Means By Which Status Is Measured. Yet there is the possibility that the idea of being something other than what one is consumes an individual and this drives the person to an insane position of wanting to challenge God the Creator; who alone is the Judge of all, and has the final say over who shall possess life or death.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches Answer requested by Diane Shatto

Gnosticism is a state of mind that rejects the objective truth about God and revels in the delights of the virtual reality of human creativity. In centuries past, Gnosticism was a form of humanism that exulted in the self and yet delighted in the ideas expressed within the Gospels. Gnostics called themselves Christians, even though they denied Lord Jesus Christ. From what is written in Theopedia, Gnosticism seems very much like Buddhism with a Christian cloak. Nothing much has changed. Nevertheless, Gnosticism has many forms and expressions and has not disappeared. To quote Theopedia:
This heretical view is still in existence today, both in various secretive cults and in such pop religious movements as astrology or alchemy.
The Masonic movement has been referred to as a Gnostic movement. The popular book _The Da Vinci Code_ (2003, Doubleday) by Dan Brown promotes Gnostic ideas as it attempts to undermine orthodox Christianity. —Gnosticism | Theopedia
Postmodernism appears to be merely a form of cultural relativity that is not so much rooted in Gnosticism per se but the humanism that has pervaded the campuses of the (deceived) cultural elite who think that there is meaning in human abstraction, within which they believe there is much yet to be found, for it can only be perceived intuitively rather than analyzed with the determined objectivity of a scientist seeking the exactitude of reduplication.

The postmodernist seeks not denouement, rather esoteric explanations that permit greater mystery, as each individual discovers and nurtures personal subjective realities about existence that celebrate diversity. The mere fact that snowflakes are distinctive by their uniqueness, can be objectively categorized, and yet look the same when together, is rejected by the postmodernist; for this idea of individuality expressed but becoming the same is superficially abhorred—but that is the Buddhist reality they all long for, the absence of individuality and therefore any acknowledgement of accountability.

Being in denial, postmodernists resemble precious snowflakes, only ones that squirm when feeling victimized, not so much by actuality but in pretense of the virtual: an outrageous idea, an incorrect expression, a potential insult. Such phenomena could be catastrophic and irreversible if the thought bubble is burst. Never mind people are being mutilated, beheaded and sold into slavery. Let’s face it, to the postmodernist such things do not exist. The world of the ideal expressed by sympathetic individuals striving to divorce themselves from reality is the nirvana of the postmodernist.

There is division among the academic elite when it comes to what worldview to accept. At its root is atheism, the rejection of God and exaltation of humanism, which is not exactly the Gnosticism of the second century AD. Still the humanist sentiment is resident. Humans have the answers—except for how to overcome death and not violate The Only Words Written By The Finger Of God at any point.

The scientific community cannot quite accommodate the humanities because, unlike the humanities, the former requires concrete results and therefore is still constrained by modernism, even if postmodern theories are stock-in-trade when it comes to promoting propaganda. The academe sphere of the humanities has no such restraint.—Postmodern Philosophy

Rejection of the truth and seriously reflecting upon one’s ultimate fate and lack of reason are at the root of postmodernism. Gnosticism is merely a manifestation of this—whatever form it takes.


Objective Reality Has Its Subjective Element When Acknowledged As The Truth

1 comment:

  1. Heretical hmm lol. It seems the heresy happened under Constantine. There is one root from whence all faiths sprung. Can’t trust a Roman because they will not tell you that. Whoever wrote this peace can not see the forest for the trees. Christianity only came about long after the messenger returned home. It is a construct devised in Rome for political purposes. Christ laughs at religion. God needs no religion. Needs no worship and is not jealous. Now the Elohim or God’s the created ones may get jealous but not God. Christ said come to me as little children. He did not say go to your local church authority. The kingdom of heaven is within. As above so below.
