Sunday, October 1, 2017

MIRACLES ARE EVENTS OR PHENOMENA THAT ARE INEXPLICABLE AND LEAVE PEOPLE DAZZLED OR PUZZLED OR IN A STATE OF UNBELIEF. The Greatest Miracle Of All Would Have To Be Chance Creating A System Of Planets And Stars And Then Placing Life On One Of Those Planets. Atheists believe that they do not use faith when they put their trust in what they believe to be the miracle of life, even though their belief is mathematically impossible.

Probably the greatest miracle would have to be that life exists and came from nothing to what we have at the present day. Many people believe in this miracle. People like Michael Shermer, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Denett, Stephen Hawking, Peter Singer and the rest of their followers place their faith in this miracle, and yet they believe that this is merely chance.

Why would the theory of evolution, if true, have to be the greatest miracle of all? Because it is mathematically impossible that chance can repeat itself in an ordered fashion.

“The chances of that ribozyme [an enzyme that acts as RNA catalyst] assembling are then 4^300, a number so large that it could not possibly happen by chance even once in 13 billion years, the age of the universe.”—Calculating The Odds That Life Could Begin By Chance

When it comes to the miracle of people believing in the theory of evolution and placing their faith in their belief that this is truly scientific, we have to say that is a matter of faith—that is a temporal faith, not an everlasting faith.

Faith is what people feel when they are assured of their beliefs because they reason out that if a=2, we can use some rubbery figures to fit our theory and stipulate that a > 5; therefore forget the numbers, forget the mathematics, focus on the assumption and we will conjure some magic and indoctrinate the masses. The more we indoctrinate individuals to tell themselves that they are right and others are wrong, the more faith they will have in their conviction that a>5 rather than a=2; therefore: a+a=4.

Are miracles for people with faith or without faith? As one who has no faith in the theory of evolution—because I have yet to see a cat turn into a dog or something of that nature at the taxonomic level categorized as family—I find it rather miraculous (incredulous, really) that people could consider themselves intelligent and believe such nonsense. From my perspective in respect to a miracle being something that contradicts natural reason, I would have to say, that miracles are things people without faith witness.

Does this miracle of converting people, who have the capacity to actually think and discern right from wrong, into believers of nonsense, convince me that I should also become a believer of nonsense too?

What is one of the greatest ironies is that Richard Dawkins (a zoologist) and his wife, Ward, have pet dogs. After visiting the denier of the Creator of the Universe, Clinton Richard Dawkins, and his wife, Sophie Elmhurst writing for the Guardian, stated that "the dogs are generally more Ward’s concern than Dawkins’s; he is not hugely interested in animals. As a child, he preferred to read books." Which is probably why Dawkins tells people to go and read a book—except not the Bible prayerfully asking that if the Creator exists, is it possible to know Him, now?

The dog family has 7 ft 6in great danes, and 3.8 inch chihuahuas, which all came from the wolf. If the theory of evolution were not just a nonsense we would see dogs change into a creature that constitutes another family and ceases to belong to the dog family. However, nothing like this has happened. Should it happen then I would have evidence that the theory of evolution is true. Instead, evolutionists get excited over some small change a moth and claim that this is conclusive evidence of evolution in our time. A moth changing color is less of a change than what has occurred in the dog family—which have changed many more times than from a light color to the color black.

If you are a seeker of truth, ask yourself, if the wolf doesn’t look like a chihuahua or a great dane, why are they still dogs?

wolf (Dog in Noah’s Ark)

Chihuahua (or rat)

Great Dane (or horse)
How Dog Breeds Have Evolved

The above is a claim as to how dog breeds have evolved. If this is proof of the theory of evolution, then this is no proof at all. This is merely evidence of dogs remaining dogs, as they were originally created, with the variability that is seen in every species within its kind Genesis 1:24–25 (what is known as a taxonomic family). This variability of the species is a natural law that can be observed in humans as well (dwarfs and giants, obese and ultra-thin, midnight black and albino white, long-nosed and pug-nosed, and more).
All humans come from the people who were on Noah’s ark.
  • On the very same day Noah and his sons, Shem and Ham and Japheth, and Noah’s wife and the three wives of his sons with them entered the ark, they and every beast according to its kind, and all the cattle according to their kinds, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth according to its kind, every bird according to its kind, every bird of every sort. They went into the ark with Noah, two and two of all flesh in which there was the breath of life. (Genesis 7:13–15)
Noah’s Ark has been discovered and it matches the exact dimensions described in the book of Genesis. The evidence does not defy the natural laws of reason.

Miracles are unbelievable events that defy the natural laws of reason.

That people have faith in their belief that the theory of evolution is actually true is a miracle, as there is no evidence, only misconceived assumptions. Somebody is casting a spell on those who believe the mathematically impossible nonsense propagated as the theory of evolution.

Since I am a skeptic, paradoxically, contrary to my observation, from what I have seen of those who believe in the theory of evolution and place their faith in its yet to be proven assumptions, I would have to say that miracles are for those who have faith—for I am obviously an unbeliever in manmade theories. Nevertheless, the truth is clear:
  • And they took offense at him. But Jesus said :o them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.” And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief. (Matthew 13:57-58)
  • And he could do no mighty work there, except that he laid his hands upon a few sick people and healed them. And he marveled because of their unbelief. (Mark 6:5-7)
Those who reject what they see with their very eyes are always looking for fiction. Hence, it is a miracle that a skeptic like myself declares an inner assurance is available for those who accept that God can raise the dead. For Jesus rose from the dead and imparts eternal life to all who call upon His name, providing that they recognize the evil of their ways and exercise faith towards God.

The Greatest Miracle Of All Is People Finding The Truth And Not Being Robbed Of It

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