Monday, July 31, 2017

THE APOCRYPHA IS CONSIDERED PSEUDIPIGRAPHA BY SOME WHO DO NOT REALIZE ITS VALUE. Yet The Apocrypha, Though Not Necessarily Inspired By God Is A Book Of History That Provides Some Valuable Information. Whether Roman Catholics care to read the Bible or those who possess one is another matter, but the Apocrypha does help in understanding Jewish history.

Actually the Apocrypha was not written 400 years before the time of Christ, that is, Lord Jesus Christ’s appearance on Earth. The books of Maccabees (1 & 2) record what occurred during the Jewish wars of the intervening centuries between Malachi and Matthew. Second Maccabees is believed to have probably been written around 124 BC at Alexandria, Egypt. The author is unknown, though in all probability, he was a Hellenized Jew, as the work was written in Greek.

The inclusion of the book in the canon of Scripture is not accepted by Protestants for a number of reasons. The main reason the Apocrypha is not accepted as part of the authorized canon is that though written before the time of John the Baptist, the books were not part of the Tanakh, the Jewish canon.

Although there are valid reasons as to why Protestants reject the inclusion of the Apocrypha, one reason for its exclusion accepted by some individuals is the Mosaic typology that points to sixty-six books being the written witness of God’s purpose for humans. The additional twenty-seven books of the received canon of the New Testament complete the number of books perceived as required for illumination of God’s truth.

The fact that the canonized books were the recognized canon around the end of the second century, and there are sixty-six of them, has to be more than coincidence. No evidence exists that suggests sixty-six books were chosen to conform to the typology found in Tabernacle of Moses. On the contrary, we see additional books added and referenced to support various doctrines that contradict the Law of God, which He wrote with His Own Finger.

What God Gave Moses Is What Was Planned For Humans To Find Purpose In Life

Sunday, July 30, 2017

BOOKS ARE BAD IF THEY ARE ONE OF THE BIBLE'S BECAUSE ATHEISTS FEAR PEOPLE READING THEM MIGHT START THINKING ABOUT GOD AND THEN, WORSE STILL, BEGIN SEEKING HIM. Atheists Do Not Permit The Reading Of The BIble If They Think Individuals Might Be Influenced. This is why the Bible was banned in atheist Russia and atheist China we those two countries were communist.

I was lying in bed the other night about to go to sleep and a thought came into my head that I should read a passage in the Bible. I haven't looked at a Bible in maybe 2-3 years, so I don't know where the thought came from. I said to my wife that I want to read her Bible that she keeps in her bedside drawer. She turned on the light and took it out. The passage I opened at was galatians 3,specifically this passage: "Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? 4 Have you suffered so much for nothing--if it really was for nothing? 5 Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?" The word miracles stood out. I've also been unwell the last year, desperately trying to regain my health.

The next day I happened to read a book about prayer and came across this passage:

I think it was another one or two days later, that I happened to be in the library. I dropped a book off then remembered about a book I needed to get my wife so looked it up then went up to get it. It was a book on business psychology and this is a huge University library. After finding her book I was about to leave, but hat same small voice that told me to read the Bible that night said to me that there's a book here that you are meant to read. So I went to the next shelf from the psychology books which happened to be religion /theology. And there in front of me is this book written by cs Lewis. Its the book mentioned above, written in 1948!

**Thanks for the answers so far. Just to add, I have not been a christian nor do I go to church etc (although my wife is/does). I have always viewed life through a scientific lense etc. I'm also well trained in psychological bias such as confirmation bias, which was mentioned. I also do believe its easy to connect dots which aren't necessarily there - again this is often related to the many biases we are exposed to, being human and not computers. This coincidence was quite extreme in my opinion, so I'm caught wondering if it was truly coincidental.

Harry Riches

Happy Riches. Answer requested by anonymous

People have to work out for themselves whether they want to put their faith in the theories of men that state certain events happened millions or billions of years ago. This faith, or religion, if you want to call faith a religion, known as scientism is a farce. These people claim that they do not exercise faith in their beliefs based upon this spurious knowledge of what they say happened eons ago, and of which there is no true scientific proof—true science demonstrates how it is done in the now, without resorting to models of possibilities.

In your case, you have to work out whether you are going to put your faith in these events that you describe actually occurring. Scoffers and doubters will not believe what you say, or they will attempt to rationalize a theory as to why you might be receiving these thoughts or hearing these voices. The reality is that only you know what you heard—just do not tell a psychiatrist you are hearing voices!

There is a television documentary series that analyzes the causes and circumstances that lead to disasters—Seconds From Disaster. Regardless of the disaster that occurred, there were events that led up to what was an accident: a series of minor mishaps, little oversights, aspects of negligence, and unexpected circumstances; these all played their part. Analyzed, investigators are able to pinpoint how the disaster could have been prevented.

If we were to analyze your situation as presented by you, we might be able to prevent you from becoming a Christian, so that you can remain with no hope. We can do this by finding out what is causing you to have these thoughts and making you susceptible to hearing these voices.

Every atheist is very concerned right now that you might forsake the faith that revels in the rejection of God. You must not become a believer in the Creator God; especially that He loved the world, so much that He gave His only begotten Son, so that you might believe that He has provided justice to the innocent, and hope to overcome the fear of the unknown at death, and verifies this by giving you the assurance of eternal life.

It is when people start believing events (such as those that have been occurring in your life) to be true, they are likely to do something rash and call out to the Creator God (whom atheists believe does not exist). The problem with the events that you experienced is they lead to disaster (as far atheists are concerned) and you might read books written by the ex-atheist C. L. Lewis. If you read Miracles or The Screwtape Letters, this will be a tragedy to the Antichrist’s community of anti-Creator believers; for you might start accepting the reality that a spiritual dimension exists that you cannot see, like the unseen words people speak, which you understand.

Just to make sure you are not being caught out by confirmation bias, because you want to accept truth rather than deception, reject what is happening to you as real and reject the existence of death. People who start contemplating death and wondering about eternal life and the fact that they can conceive of it, start getting thoughts that God exists. The way of atheism rejects the idea of eternal life and any notion of a Creator. You must believe the lie that chance creates everything—do not consider that the rule of chance defies that fact the Earth spins every day, the Moon circles the Earth every month, and together they both circuit the Sun every year, and have been doing this for eons.

By the way, do not fall for ideas that people experience suffering, injustice, evil or any such thing. If these phenomena did exist, the Creator could not exist; because if He did, He would not allow it to occur. Do not read the Bible; neither anything that suggests there is a Creator who created the Universe with a purpose. Nor should you read anything that suggests the Creator gave some of His creatures freewill. If you do, you might get ideas that freewill enables evil to exist, especially if individuals within the Creation decided to reject the goodness of the Creator. Stick to the bias that says evolution will explain why man is unable to overcome evil. Most of all, have nothing to do with Christians, you might find that one of them is a very genuine person who loves you.

Confirmation Bias Denies That Morality Is Real If It Is Absolute Because Sin’s Dead

Friday, July 28, 2017

THE HOLY SEE IS SUPPOSEDLY THE PLACE WHERE THE ONLY PERSON ON EARTH HAS ACCESS TO THE FATHER. For Those Who Are Deceived Sufficiently Be Duped By The Deceptions Of The Political Elite Running The World Think That Rituals And Rites In The Name Of Christ Are What The Apostles Taught Seekers Of The Truth To Do. Tragically too many people fall for the lie that the Roman Catholic Church is really God's authority on Earth, yet the Bible is the whistle blower.

Harry Riches

Happy RichesAnswer requested by Vincent Han

The average person would be bereft of any understanding of the word “Holy”.

Everybody who speaks English knows, even if they might not express it this way, that the word “see” means “the ability to open one’s eyes and observe visually phenomena that exist which are capable of being described in terms of color, shape, texture and the substances they are made from”.

From a Biblical viewpoint, God is Holy: He does not sin. Therefore, any thing that is Holy has to be without sin. Consequently, such a term cannot be applied to a sinful human being who has sinned, unless “the holy see” means something other than the seat of authority from which to rule over the people of the Earth.

The Holy See as asserted by the Roman Catholic Church is really the usurpation of the Lord God Creator of Heaven and Earth and the role of the Holy Spirit’s function in the hearts of those who have received the baptism that John the Baptist said Jesus would provide to those who belong to Him.
  • John answered them all, “I baptize you with water; but he who is mightier than I is coming, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. (Luke 3:16)
  • And while staying with them he charged them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which, he said, “you heard from me, for John baptized with water, but before many days you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”(Acts 1:4-5)
  • Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is from God, that we might understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. (1 Corinthians 2:12)
John the Baptist was born and filled with the Holy Spirit from birth. He was not like any other person born of a woman. Instead of being born into sin, John the Baptist was born into the Holy Spirit—that is born into the Holy Spirit contrasted with being born into the world.
  • For he will be great before the Lord, and he shall drink no wine nor strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb. (Luke 1:15)
John the Baptist came preaching the message that the Son of God was to come and baptize people with the Holy Spirit. This is what the book of Acts tells us, people were baptized in the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul tells us saints (we who are saved through faith in Lord Jesus Christ) that we have received the Holy Spirit of God so we can understand what God gives us. What this also means is that we have access to the Father, through the Son, because we have received the Holy Spirit—this has nothing to with another mediator, for none is required: the Son alone is sufficient.
  • For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. (1 Timothy 2:5)
  • Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this which you see and hear. (Acts 2:33)
The Holy Spirit is God’s representative on Earth. The Holy Spirit was given to the Son, who gives it to those who see their need to repent and look to God the Father through Lord Jesus the Savior of mankind, because they have heard the message that He died to pay the price for their redemption from being held captive to sin and its corollary—death. Now we who see, whose eyes are opened, see Jesus, the Holy One. We look to the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
  • But we see Jesus, who for a little while was made lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for every one. (Hebrews 2:9)
  • Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1–2)
The holy see is this: look to Jesus and understand that He alone provides salvation. Only when we know Lord Jesus Christ, having received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, can we then truly have authority in our lives to live in accordance to the will of our Heavenly Father.

What is the holy see? This is the true holy see: to see the Holy One. The Apostle Paul, who was given authority to instruct the Church of God wrote:
  • I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe, according to the working of his great might. (Ephesians 1:16–19)
Now you might think the above proposition taken from the Bible that points to “the holy see” as looking to Jesus somewhat disrespectful to the the authority of the papacy. Whereas, those of us who seek the Lord God and desire to know the truth realize that the papacy is of the world and is not of God at all. For the papacy attempts to usurp the authority of God by declaring a queen in Heaven, that God has a mother, the pope has the power to designate who (among those who have died) can answer prayers, assumes the role of the Holy Spirit as representative of the Father and the Son of Earth—just to mention four of the many false claims associated with that organization. Besides, just a little history tells us that the popes have been among the most depraved, murderous, heinous individuals on this planet, and those who run this manmade organization have the impudence to declare they are Holy.

Only God is Holy. Besides the Holy One, there is no other.
  • Declare and present your case; let them take counsel together! Who told this long ago? Who declared it of old? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no other god besides me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none besides me. (Isaiah 45:21)
  • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. (Proverbs 9:10)
If the Holy Spirit indwells us, we all have the authority of the Holy Spirit to bear fruit for God; for by our fruits we are known (Matthew 7:15-17; Galatians 5:22-23).

The Truth Is Easy To Discern When You Have A Standard For Making Assessments

IMPORTANT INFORMATION IS OVERLOOKED FOR THE UNIMPORTANT BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE DISTRACTED AND CAUGHT UP IN THE TEMPORAL AFFAIRS OF THIS WORLD RATHER THAN LOOKING TO ETERNAL MATTERS. When It Comes To The Bible There Are Some Things Which Are Considered Important To Understand. There is an adversary and there is a hope, but in order to ovecome the adversary and obtain the hope we have to lunderstand the way to the truth that leads to life.

Harry Riches
 Happy RichesAnswer requested by Carlos McNeil

There is a difference between things you should know and things that it may be profitable for you to know.

What you should know is that men are liars, cannot be trusted and will always let you down—even when doing their best to tell you the truth. Why, I myself will let you down if you have expectations of me that I am not able to meet. Nevertheless, if you find a person who does his best to keep his word, then treasure such a friend. All others are not friends because they belong to the father of lies.
  • You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

  • The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately corrupt; who can understand it? “I the Lord search the mind and try the heart, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.” (Jeremiah 17:9–10)
The Bible informs us why the very book itself exists, why we exist, and what is required of each one of us; that God Himself searches the hearts of every person, discerning between thoughts and intent, and how the Omniscient One’s plan for mankind is to be played out.

The Bible does not have the power to impart eternal life. Instead, the Bible bears witness to the Son of God; for He is the very One who has the power to impart life.
  • You search the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me; yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. (John 5:39–40)
The Bible instructs people how they can be saved; for the writings contained within are inspired by God, so every person might come to an understanding of the truth.
  • From childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings which are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:15–17)
Moses was shown what God had planned in Heaven for humans on Earth. He was instructed to make this known to the people through (what we know as) the “Tabernacle of Moses” and the Law.
  • They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary; for when Moses was about to erect the tent, he was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain.” (Hebrews 8:5)

  • For Christ has entered, not into a sanctuary made with hands, a copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf. (Hebrews 9:24)
While the Bible has been written by men inspired by God, which includes Moses, the exception is the Ten Commandments of Exodus, chapter twenty, verses one to seventeen. These were written by God Himself. There is no evidence that these were copied from any other writings—no evidence whatsoever—even though people make unsubstantiated claims that there is somewhere (NB. Jeremiah 17:9).

The Ten Commandments are the only words recorded to have been written by the Creator of the Universe and given to humans.

The Ten Commandments deal with relationships and are applicable today, just as they were when they were written by the Creator on the two tablets of stone.
  • These words the Lord spoke to all your assembly at the mountain out of the midst of the fire, the cloud, and the thick darkness, with a loud voice; and he added no more. And he wrote them upon two tables of stone, and gave them to me. (Deuteronomy 5:22)
The Bible tells us that God is the Creator and we live and move and have our being in Him (Acts 17:24-28). The Bible enables us to have a written historical record of how the purpose of God has been worked out. However, only those who are truly genuine will have the eyes of their inner mind opened to understand the truths of God. Those who are selfish, egotistical, and think that a finite mortal being can possess the fullness of the understanding which only the Infinite Immortal One possesses are deceived by their own desires.

These are some of the things which are profitable for you to know about the Bible—there is much more, of course.

The Ten Commandments Are Broader And Deeper Than Superficial Philosophies

Thursday, July 27, 2017

NORTH KOREA RATTLES ITS RATTLES AND KIM JONG-UN SINGS HIS SONG HOPING THE REST OF THE WORLD WILL DANCE TO HIS TUNE. Sky Rockets Takes Missile High But Not High Enough Because When It Fell Down It Did Not Go Bang. People wonder what is really going on, however the truth is not always what is told.

Talk about Kim Jong-un flinging nuclear missiles around the world is filtering down to those people who think mostly about where they are going to get their next hit.

Many addicts hitting up on heroin and other drugs have gotten hepatitis C from sharing contaminated needles.

It is estimated that 143 million people (2%) of people globally are living with chronic hepatitis C. 
About 3–4 million people are infected per year, and more than 350,000 people die yearly from hepatitis C-related diseases.

​Nuclear missiles present a major problem because​ any war can easily have such a devastating effect upon those involved that the warheads are more a deterrent rather than a threat.

Ex-CIA director (1993-’95) R. James Woolsey warns that Kim Jong-un could kill 90% of Americans.

Tim Rifat, known as Mr Doom, or Madman Rifat, because he was locked up for his psychic warfare against the globalists and is often talking about cobalt 60 being released near California, so that it can blow eastward across the USA.

​Cobalt 60 is a synthetic radioactive element used in radiotherapy that can have deadly effects.

In 2000, a disused radiotherapy head containing Co​balt 60​ source was stored at an unsecured location in Bangkok, Thailand and then accidentally sold to scrap collectors.
Unaware of the dangers, a junkyard employee dismantled the head and extracted the source, which remained unprotected for a period of days at the junkyard.
Ten people, including the scrap collectors and workers at the junkyard, were exposed to high levels of radiation and became ill.
Three of the junkyard workers subsequently died as a result of their exposure

​Tim Rifat makes outrageous claims but his claimed prescience regarding North Korea appears to have been a good guess, whereas oftentimes he is off the mark.

Unless Kim Jong-un has really lost his marbles, then expect saber rattling until he quietens down.
  • And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not yet. (Matthew 24:6)
Kim Jong-un has the IQ of an evil genius, and from what we learn of people who escape North Korea, the country appears to be run using George Orwell's book 1984, as its policy and rule book.

The New York Times published an article that ignores Kim Jong-un, preferring to suggest Donald Trump is an evil dictator, who spreads lies and disinformation (but never the New York Times).

Yeon-mi Park escaped from North Korea and has been able to tell her heart-wrenching story to raise awareness of the human tragedy that is ruled by the maniac Kim Jong-un.

​There are murmurs in some circles that North Korea has been permitted to exist for purposes of keeping tensions of nuclear war alive.

When one understands that the World Wars were attempts at bringing about a one world government (as was the failed League of Nations, and now the United Nations), the division of North and South Korea after WW2, having been worked out between the Soviet Union and USA, does make one wonder who is really pulling the stringsbut they are not ETs as some want to think. 

The CIA has been implicated in running drugs to finance its operations around the world. And as it happens, North Korea is the largest manufacturer of crystal meth, which is exported around the globe. Exporting drugs around the globe requires a supply chain with a sophisticated network of participants. The spider's web is none other than the Central Intelligence Agency, which provides  information on every country that is more up to date than other sources, because CIA assets are in every country detailing data and documenting evidence every day.

Nevertheless, when citizens (if they can be called citizens) are fortunate enough to escape from North Korea, go south, they  cannot believe what exists in South Korea.

​Regardless, what we might like to think, there are strategists working on how to bring about a one world government where everyone will be brought under control.

Those who desire the truth shall be set free from ignorance.

​Jesus said that He is the way to the truth that enables us to possess eternal life. 

Still people would rather believe in an ET (extra terrestrial) to save them than understand the truth, for which there is substantiated evidencethe deluded are crazy!

The only way we can be reconciled with the Father of Lights, in Whom there is no shadow to be found around His throne in Heaven, is by being honest with ourselves and relationship with the One who loves us the most.
  •  In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins. (1 John 4:10)
For some that Jesus died for the sin of the world is unimaginable, but aliens and reptiles ruling this world is acceptable.

When you reject the truth, the only option is to believe what is not true: the falsehoods of human imagination, which originate from the father of lies, who said to the first woman that she will not die.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

WHAT PEOPLE REFER TO AS THE CHRISTIAN CRUSADES THAT WERE CONDUCTED TO TAKE BACK THE HOLY LAND WERE NOT REALLY AS KOSHER AS SOME HISTORIANS MAY LIKE TO PRESENT.THEM. The Crusades Were Really A Money Making Means For The First International Banksters To Financially Hold To Ransom Those Whom They Could Lend Money Too. Usury was outlawed by the church, so the Crusaders had to disband and spread their wicked ways across Europe.

Harry Riches
 Happy RichesAnswer requested by Ivan Alexeevich

True religion has nothing to do with political reign on this planet. True religion is about the quest for the truth:
  • Why do I exist?
  • Why are people born only to die?
  • What is the point of being born to die and then having to suffer?
  • Where is the justice in life if I did not ask to be born, but I have to suffer and face the futility of death?
  • Why do people say they care but refuse to share what they have?
  • Why do people speak about love only to hate?
  • Why do people say they want peace but promote war?
The Crusades produced war, hatred, suffering, and avarice. The crusades also produced the first international bankers. From the historical accounts, even though supposedly carried out in the name of Christ, the Crusades appear to have been about men seeking fame, fortune, and being rapacious, rather than growing in faith in Lord Jesus Christ, the source of becoming a Christian. Many deceived patrons, who had the wealth, who thought that by traveling to Jerusalem, the same as pilgrims travel to Mecca, they would obtain divine favor, not realizing that this caper was really an industry for turning a quid.

According to ex-Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera, Islam was the creation of Rome to corral the true believers in Lord Jesus Christ who refused to accept that the Pope was the vicar of Christ on Earth. Instead of Islamic leaders doing as required, rounding up all the non-Catholics in the Middle East, the war lords decided to keep the lands they had conquered. After the Crusaders failed to secure the Holy Land for the Roman Catholic Church, the Byzantine Empire fell to the Muslim lords on 29th of May 1453.

Islam and Roman Catholicism have more in common than many people realize. They both have a system of congregants and clergy. They both want to reign over the Earth. If Alberto Rivera is telling the truth, Islamic overlords hi-jacked the plans of the Pope. The Muhammad of Mecca and the Muhammad of Medina demonstrate that if a person is attempting to promote religion to rule the world, this is not as effective as holding a person’s head below an ax. This tells us that there is a major difference between religion and politics. The former has to do with seeking truth. The latter has to do with exercising power over the inhabitants of the lands.

For those who do not think politics existed since the beginning of time, note well, nobody gets to reign over other people unless there is consent among those who have the power to permit a ruler to reign. In other words, when people consent that a person can rule over them, this requires a vote by the individuals, even if the vote is merely raising the hand and saying, “The ayes have it.”

Not all the people have to vote. Just representatives of whom the multitude will hear gladly.

Discerning The Difference Between Propaganda And The Truth Requires A Means

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

IMAGINE WHAT THE WORLD WOULD BE LIKE IF ALL MEN GREW IN FAVOR WITH GOD, THERE WOULD BE SO MANY WOMEN WHO WOULD BE PLEASED. Instead, We See People Doing What Invites The Wrath Of God Rather Than His Favor. Yet the Bible tells us that if we serve Lord Jesus Christ in the manner that brings glory to His Name, we will find favor with both men and God.

Harry Riches

Happy RichesAnswer requested by Diane Shatto

Does the Bible really state that we need to grow in favor of God and man?

Unlike words such as “want” or “desire” the word, which express a personal origin, the word “need” connotes ideas of necessity and requirement, even if this is not quite the same connotation that comes with being obligated to do something or having to meet demands that have been made.

Needs are regarded as essential requirements necessary for survival. Demands are external requirements that are usually placed upon us, but our body can demand that we seek the needs that are essential for our survival. Likewise, we are obligated ourselves to seek the needs essential for our survival as a matter of self-preservation.

God desires that all men come to salvation and understand the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). This is not a need or a demand. This is a desire of God. If anybody rejects God, even though He will be grieved by the rejection, our Heavenly Father will survive, as He is not dependent upon mere mortals for His existence—for in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Nevertheless, this does not mean that God was not obligated to provide a means by which we can secure our relationship with Him (1 John 2:12; Romans 3:26), having been separated from our Heavenly Father when being born into a world taken captive by sin (Ephesians 2:12 Ephesians 4:18).
What we do find in the Bible is that Jesus grew in favor with God and man. The Apostles also grew in favor with men, having found favor with God and received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52)
  • And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they partook of food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. (Acts 2:46-47)
One thing that is very clear in the Bible is that we are not to seek the favor of men, rather we are to seek the favor of God by being a servant of Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men, I should not be a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10)
Interestingly, the account of Jacob has much to teach us, for we read that the Israelites forsook the statutes that he kept, which enabled him to find favor in God (Malachi 3:6–12). The most intriguing fact about Jacob is his reception by Esau, when he meets up with him after having being a fugitive for some twenty years. We read:
  • But Esau said, “I have enough, my brother; keep what you have for yourself.” Jacob said, “No, I pray you, if I have found favor in your sight, then accept my present from my hand; for truly to see your face is like seeing the face of God, with such favor have you received me. Accept, I pray you, my gift that is brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me, and because I have enough.” Thus he urged him, and he took it. (Genesis 33:9-11)
Jacob found favor with the man who was going to kill him. Now it is true, in this respect, we need to find favor with those who are going to kill us, if we are to live. The only thing we know that changed in relation to Jacob is that he was once poor but he is rich when he meets up with Esau. Time could have played a factor in the relationship between Esau and Jacob. Esau having forgotten about his vow to kill his brother; even if Jacob had not. More importantly, though, the element of favor suggests more than merely forgetting about a vow. The gift that Jacob gave Esau could have been the difference.

Christians who serve Christ are generally approved by non-Christians; even if there are those who detest Christians and seek to behead them for identifying with Lord Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, we read:
  • The kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit; he who thus serves Christ is acceptable to God and approved by men. (Romans 14:17-18)
We know that not all men will approve of those who walk in righteousness, peace and joy. However, in order to do so, we will have to walk in the same way that Jesus walked. In which case, we can expect to grow in favor with both God and men, because we will be taking the speck out of people’s eyes as we let our light shine. For we read:
  • “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14–16)
While there may be no demand made of us to grow in the favor of God and man within the pages of the Bible, there is every encouragement to make us realize that it is to our advantage that we do. For not to do so is to deny ourselves of the benefits associated with overcoming evil and discovering the fulfillment that is ours in the Holy Spirit, as we bear fruit that brings glory to God.

Unless You Know What Is Required To Succeed How Can You Expect To Enjoy Success?

Monday, July 24, 2017

THE DECEPTION OF EVIL IS SUCH THAT ONE THINKS ONE CAN DO BAD THINGS AND NOT HAVE TO PAY A PRICE FOR ONE'S SINS. Hypocrisy Concerns Those Who Know What Is Right To Do, Make Out To Others That They Are Not Doing Evil, While Knowing Full Well They Are Deceptive And Cannot Be Trusted. As strange as it may seem, there are people who think that because they cannot see around corners, the All-seeing God cannot see what is in their heart.

Harry Riches
Happy Riches Answer requested by 1 person

The wonderful truth about our life on Earth is that we have been given freewill.

You can give your life to Jesus and keep your bad habits and sinful lifestyle, the same as you can give a person an apple that looks lovely and red on the outside but on the inside is rotten. But what do you think will happen?

The person may accept the apple from you, and even lavish praise upon you so that those in attendance, or who are in earshot of the loud speakers, can hear. Even afterwards, the person might tell others that you gave him the best looking apple ever seen. But once the person takes a bite of that apple, disgust will cause that person to detest you for having been so deceptive. Your apple will be cast into the rubbish.

The process of becoming a Christian is not as simple as saying, “I give my life to Jesus.” Many people reject Jesus on the basis of what they see in other people, who claim they are Christians, and thereby representatives of the only One attested to in history to have risen from the dead; the light of the world enabling others to become lights bearing fruit of the Spirit of God.
  • But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)
  • Do all things…that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life. (Phillipians 2:14–16)
Responding to an invitation to have the King of Life to come and reside in one’s residence is not the same as having the King taking up residence (Revelation 3:20). Tragically, too many people, who call themselves Christians, fall for the lie that they were chosen before the foundation of the world; therefore, they can profess faith in Lord Jesus Christ, and continue to commit whatever sin they like, without being called into account. (Doctrines of demons only exist to deceive.)
  • For, as it is written, “The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” (Romans 2:24)
When Jesus gave His sermon on the mount, He identified two types of individuals who claimed that they were associated with Him.
  • “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:15–20)
Concerning Self-Deception:
  • “Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers.’ (Matthew 7:21–23)
Many think that what Jesus said, as quoted above, has nothing to do with the average person, who does not go around prophesying, nor claiming to cast out demons, nor faith-healing and performing miracles in the name of Jesus. Nevertheless, every sound tree bears good fruit. This does not occur unless a person forsakes the evil of their ways.

The elementary doctrine of Christ requires repentance from dead works before a person can exercise faith in God (Hebrews 6:1). In fact, it is impossible to have genuine faith in God without repentance from dead works. For those who exercise faith in God desire to be transformed (Romans 12:2), so that they may enjoy the happiness that comes from experience love, joy and peace in their lives; rather than the self-hate, depression and anxiety that seems to permeate the nations of the world.

It is possible to give one’s life to Lord Jesus Christ, but not expect one’s lifestyle to be acceptable to Him; the same as you would not accept sewage being dumped in your place of residence.

Learn The Truth And You Will Understand How Easy It Is To Discern Foolishness