Saturday, June 3, 2017

THE CATHOLIC CONCEPT OF SIN COULD BE DIFFERENT TO OTHER CONCEPTS OF SIN. Sin Is A Taboo Subject In Certain Spheres Of Society Because It Is Considered Outdated And Unnecessary. The truth might be that sin is something people do not want to have to acknowledge because it may mean a lifestyle change is required.

Harry Riches

Happy Riches Answer requested by Diane Shatto

When speaking of the catholic concept of sin, I assume you mean the universally accepted concept of sin and not the views of the Roman Catholic Church.

Universally sin is accepted to be horrendous acts of behavior that are detrimental to humankind. Among the Jains, this concept is also extended to all living things. Among so-called progressives, sin does not include killing humans to protect wildlife or flora.

Among many progressives the word “sin” is disavowed of meaning because of its association with religious practices that pertain to violating the rules and regulations attributed to (what they perceive as) an imaginary being. Therefore, the use of the words “unlawful” or “illegal” are more appropriate to denominate that violations of actions are forbidden by judicial writ or any legislation passed by a governing body, such as a congress, parliament, or agreed upon by international treaty.

Resident within the idea of the word “sin” is the idea of violation of what is naturally right. The conscience of the individual has a natural recognition of what is right, but this is often overridden by a decision of the individual to ignore the internalized reaction of shock—a sensation that is often mistaken for fear—that a violation might occur. Nevertheless, the idea that there are right actions and wrong actions that can be conceptualized informs us that this is the product of possessing the ability to recognize the difference between right and wrong. The distortion of this ability produces misconceived ideas that portray evil as good, and that which is good, being declared evil.

The fascination and exaltation of genitals, organs of excrement, their contents and frequent use of vulgar meaningless expressions is perceived as good, but aspiring to more noble pursuits is abhorred and deemed evil. But, more especially, the socially destructive ideas that are designed to foment discontent and social disharmony—as witnessed today in the world we live—is deemed good, but the condemnation is deemed evil.

Even though socially destructive behavior is acknowledged as a sin against humanity, we learn that the politicians have a fascination with perversion, perverting innocent children, are thieves, liars and fraudulent operators of charities. Progressives claim that this is acceptable, for they wholeheartedly support such politicians.

The catholic idea of sin in every day life varies depending upon the degree to which people sear their own consciences as they, reject the truth and, delight in participating and endorsing evil.

Ironically, though the idea of commitment is upheld as noble—even pure—it can be debased because of blackmail. Shortsightedness and self-interest lead to blackmail as being the reason for togetherness rather than love of a pure devotion to righteousness that is beneficial for all. These people view sin as revealing their iniquities as being punishment by death—for example, the blood oath of the Cosa Nostra to keep their evils covered.

Those who desire a better way, the freedom that comes from being authentic, and the joy of knowing eternal life, recognize that evil is to violate another person’s rights in the same way as one would not like one’s own rights to be violated.

The Way Of Life Is Found By Being Free From The Fear Of Being Found Out

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