Friday, January 18, 2019

PEOPLE CLAIM THE EXISTENCE OF GOD IS IMPOSSIBLE BECAUSE THEY CANNOT CONCEIVE OF A CREATOR. Claiming To Be Intelligent And Not Fools They Can Believe That Everything Exists By Chance, Which According To Them Is Obvious If You Believe In The Man-Made Theory Of Evolution. The mere fact that they have a theory to believe in, these (is it unfair to call them) cretins scoff at those who accept the evidence of design as being abundantly demonstrated in everything from DNA to the seasons that historically have existed for centuries.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches, answers request by anonymous
I looked around at the environment and wondered who created life. I was told that it just came about by chance.
Nobody really believes that organized systems come about by chance unless they playing the fool—correct? Or they have another agenda, that they really do not want to tell you—isn’t this right?
Chance is what happens when we throw the dice when playing Monopoly. Sometimes a double six will be thrown. Sometimes even three in a row is possible. Mostly the dice will come up with a total of six, seven, or eight.
When it comes to 6-Sided Dice: The Most Common Rolls are totals of
The chance of rolling a total of 6 is 13.89 percent
The chance of rolling a total of 7 is 16.67 percent
The chance of rolling a total of 8 is 13.89 percent
Nothing I have evidenced to date has proven that there is no Creator God.
The example of the dice shows that even chance is an intelligent construct. The dice have a limited number of options, but they can be used to create chance events. The same occurs with roulette, which has a greater number of options compared to two dice.
Accepting that God exists and accepting the beliefs of humans is another matter. From what I have seen of humans, once I have gotten to know them. everyone I have met has been guilty of telling a lie, Actually, many humans I have met were telling me a lie within minutes of saying “Hello!”.
Expressing falsehood seems to be natural phenomena for human beings. Self-interest seems to demand that instead of the truth what is untrue (false, fake and phony) be told from time to time, if not more often than not.
If humans tell lies, why should I believe another person, or the beliefs that they claim are true— especially when they cannot provide a legitimate demonstration of evidence for such claims. For instance, I have been told that praying before statutes would get prayers answered. I have been told also that lighting candles helps even more to get prayers answered. In fact, I have even heard money really works wonders when it comes to the supernatural—the greater the gift the better (the wizard?).
When someone can demonstrate a cat turning into a dog through natural selection or two persons prove to me that they were there to witness the chance creation of the Universe, I will believe them. Until such time, I will accept that they are just dupes spouting nonsense that they cannot prove but are silly enough to believe, because the theory of evolution is really unnecessary to make observations of the environment or to recreate any experiments for scientific advancement.
When people tell me they accept facts only but do not believe anything, I hope they are pretending to be clowns and are just trying to make me laugh. For unless they believe the misinformation that they claim they accept as true, then they will reject the errors for what they are: misconceptions and not facts.
Noah’s Ark has been found and documented, yet people reject this because they do not want to believe or accept this as a fact. The Exodus route of the Hebrews from Egypt to Mount Sinai has been found and documented, yet people reject this, because they refuse to accept the facts. These facts are rejected because they contradict and demonstrate the futility of their beliefs. History is replete with billions of people who refused to stand up an be counted preferring cowardice and slavery to the system. It is happening today.
The only reality that I have been able to know in my life has been subjective, and this has involved relationships with other human beings. As it happens, the Ten Commandments that were given by God Himself on Mount Sinai deal specifically with relationships. These relationships are to do with humans relating to other humans, and uniquely with humans dealing with God Himself.
Since human beings are more inclined to bear false witness or tell lies than the truth, I would be more inclined to believe that God exists. The Ten Commandments point to the inability of humans to live in peace. They also point to the only hope humans have in life.
The Creator God cares for His Creation and has provided the only hope humans have, which is to be delivered from the futility of being born only to die. No human has demonstrated the ability to overcome death yet by rising from the dead throughout history, except Jesus of Nazareth—who is more than human in that He is the Son of God, Lord Jesus Christ.
People who claim that there is meaning in being born, having to suffer, and then having to die (a reality common to us all) are bearing false witness against themselves and the truth of reality, even life itself.
The most common question I have encountered that is given by people for not believing in God is “Who created God?” Yet many of these people will accept the theories of men, created from their imagination and taught as fact. without asking to be shown absolute evidence reproduced under laboratory conditions or with criteria that enable a hypothesis to be reduplicated in real time and proven to be no longer a mere possibility, but really the truth.
The Infinite Creator created finite humans, yet the ignorant finite mind of mortal man wants to know who created infinity, rather than seeking to have a relationship with the Creator of Life. We are all trapped by death, our only hope is God has a reason for our existence.

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