Friday, January 4, 2019

PEOPLE ARE APPALLED BY THE BIBLICAL ACCOUNTS OF RAPE, MURDER, AND OTHER EVILS PERFORMED IN DEVOTION TO CHILD-EATING GODS SUCH AS MOLOCH. Those Same Evil Acts Are Occurring Today But People Do Not Want To Know How They Are Being Deceived By The Very Politicians That Do Them, Yet They Point Their Accusational Finger At The Bible. North Korea is a regime where people’s rights are downtrodden and abuses take place every day, not to mention what Roman Catholic priests do all around the world that blasphemes the name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches  answer requested by Bert Sheridan

When reading the Bible, a person may be appalled by many of the acts that are recorded in its pages. Obviously the writers of the Bible were not seeking to stooge people but challenge readers to assess their own values. The many accounts of slaying people and animals are reprehensible to the modern civilized mind. The many accounts of sexual abuse and disrespectful treatment of women are reprehensible. However, the fact that people are born to suffer and die, a state of being that constitutes an appalling existence, is a salient point that also permeates the pages of the Bible.

Many like to point their finger at the Creator of the Universe, who wrote the Ten Commandments with His Own Finger, and accuse Him of evil.
  • And the Lord gave me the two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them were all the words which the Lordhad spoken with you on the mountain out of the midst of the fire on the day of the assembly. (Deuteronomy 9:10)
The Ten Commandments demand that people conduct themselves in ways lives that honor each other and acknowledge that they need to have a relationship with the Creator. For many people, what is appalling is the fact that God does not enjoy the death of the wicked. People, who commit the heinous acts that appall many today, are offered the opportunity of repentance and the right to enjoy eternal life, rather than eternal punishment.
  • Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? (Ezekiel 18:23)
To provide some context as to how people delight in pointing to some of the examples published in the Bible—which they otherwise would not know about if it were not a true record—consider what has been happening in the atheist regime of North Korea.

Things appear to be changing in North Korea, but a look at what has been happening (and probably still could be) provides some insight of the anguish, torture and pain that people have to endure.
Dear Reader, people are appalled when they understand fully what occurs in North Korea. Even more so, when these same individuals realize that our Heavenly Father is willing to forgive even the evil North Koreans (including Kim Jong-un) and what they do in that country—including many acts of women and men (boys and girls) being raped and murdered, even cut into pieces after being excruciatingly tortured.
The “Ten Principles for the Establishment of the One-Ideology System” are regulations that govern the everyday lives of the North Korean people. They were officially announced by Kim Jong Il in 1974. The original Ten Principles, to which the name “General Kim Jong Il” has now been added, are as follows:
1. We must give our all in the struggle to unify the entire society with the revolutionary ideology of Great Leader Kim Il Sung.
2. We must honor Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung with all our loyalty.
3. We must make absolute the authority of Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung.
4. We must make Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung’s revolutionary ideology our faith and make his instructions our creed.
5. We must adhere strictly to the principle of unconditional obedience in carrying out the Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung's instructions.
6. We must strengthen the entire Party's ideology and willpower and revolutionary unity, centering on Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung.
7. We must learn from Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung and adopt the communist look, revolutionary work methods and people-oriented work style.
8. We must value the political life we were given by Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung, and loyally repay his great political trust and thoughtfulness with heightened political awareness and skill.
9. We must establish strong organizational regulations so that the entire Party, nation and military move as one under the one and only leadership of Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung.
10. We must pass down the great achievement of the revolution by Great Leader comrade Kim Il Sung from generation to generation, inheriting and completing it to the end. [1]
There are many appalling acts described in the Bible. But the most appalling thing would have to be eternal punishment. People can scoff and laugh at the idea, but anybody who understands what the concept of justice means, also understands that justice demands punishment. And possessing freewill means accountability,

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