Friday, January 11, 2019

DONALD TRUMP COULD BE A SIMILAR PRESIDENT TO JOHN F. KENNEDY, ACCORDING TO MICROSOFT CO-FOUNDER BILL GATES. Many Have Suggested That Donald Trump Should Be Shot Because He Is The Worst President Ever And America Is Going To Hell Because Of His Taunts And Lack Of Leadership. Yet the Trump is having his way and the Democrats are being shown up for what they are, a group of people who like to talk but do the opposite of what they say they are going to do, just like the hypocrites spoken of by Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Bible.

Donald Trump could be a similar president to John F. Kennedy, according to Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. Does this imply that because Trump is so hated by people (even those making comments on Quora), he will be shot?

Happy Riches
Happy Riches · answers question for the ignorati who refuse to pull their head out of the sand.

When Bill Gates stated that he believed Donald Trump “shares iconic figure's commitment to American leadership through innovation” the headlines were “Donald Trump could be like John F Kennedy, says Bill Gates.” implying, according to many pundits, that this meant that he would be shot.
From what I have seen written on Quora, there appears to be plenty of opinions expressed with angst and partisanship against President Trump.
Evidently, Obama often blocked press access to information, but Trump is more transparent, even if he castigates CNN as fake news or Jim Acosta for using his arm to prevent a female White House official from taking the microphone from his hand as directed.
The vitriol that I have evidenced against Trump, and the degree of violence that is employed by protest groups, which appear to be well funded and well organized ahead of time, suggests to me that there is every possibility that an assassination attempt similar to JFK (or even that of Reagan) is on the cards. In fact, I have read of a number failed attempts.
Callum Borchers, in July 2016, wondered,“Why isn’t the assassination attempt on Donald Trump bigger news? “ [1]
According to Aexandra Hutzler in Newsweek, an attempt by ISIS operatives to assassinate President Trump was foiled in November of 2017.
So was Bill Gates sending out a signal to the world of what he believed would happen to President Trump after making the statement that compared POTUS with the assassinated President John F Kennedy. For, if Obama's legacy in science, technology and innovation is really the par excellence promulgated by the media, then the former President would have been mentioned by Gates.
The Conversation[3] reports:
An immediate analysis of his science and technology policies, however, reveals significant accomplishments in the promotion of science and technology.
Democrat Jonathan Coopersmith, author of the article from The Conversation,[4]also reports that Obama was weak on cyber security. Maybe this is why Gates did not concur with the accolades about Obama’s technological innovation: too much information was being left open for China, Russia and Saudi Arabia to glean.
Personally, not being an aficionado of politics, from what I have been seeing take place in Washington and the media in general, I am convinced that Trump, not being an insider, might be about to blow the whistle on the corruption that I am sure exists. For I know of no one who could possibly be in politics and not be a liar. Every word that comes out of their mouths is a lie from the time politicians say that they are running for office to help the people.
Even when the New York Times publishes an opinion that all politicians lie. and some lie more than others.[5]because I do not really believe what I read in the newspapers, I find it hard to accept the writer is telling the truth. Too many journalists toe the company line. If Larry King is to believe There Is No News Anymore, "It's All Trump".
Anyhow, Trump has been around for more than two years, so he is probably rewriting history as the most hated man by the media, their acolytes and other hateful individuals, who do not love or desire the truth, to have survived his time as President of the United States of America.

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