Thursday, January 10, 2019

ATHEISM IS THE BEST RELIGION IN THE WORLD, BUT IT IS REALLY? The Problem With Atheism Is That It Is Materialistic And Works Upon The Assumption That Everything That Exists Came Out Of That Which Does Not Exist, And People Do Not Possess A Spirit (Or/And A Soul) That Is Divisible From Their Bodies. Therefore, instead of peace, morality and a desire to appreciate each other, adherents are renowned for their vitriolic abuse, creating mayhem, killing people en mass, situational ethics, relative morality, tyranny, and despotic rulers suffering from paranoia that somebody is out to murder them to avenge their crimes.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers request by anonymous
Atheism is not a true religion. True religion is the quest for the truth. Although, most investigators, who objectively look into religion, if they are honest, have to acknowledge religion constitutes people’s quest for an ideal life. The ideal is the heart of religion and can be anything people define that they are seeking to attain.
Objectively considering the sociology of religion, it would appear that people gather together with the view of expressing what they believe is their quest for the ideal life (for example, blessings bestowed by Allah). This is expressed through the practices that practitioners believe will assist them in attaining to the ideal (for example, suicide bombers seeking 70 vestal virgins). A rationale is provided for the practices and how the quest relates to the surrounding environment (for example, once the religion of peace rules the world, there will be no reason for wars).

True religion is the quest where people ask questions and weigh up the value of their observations. True religion is a personal quest and adherents do not accept the views of tradition. True religion is found among those whose observations have led them to conclude:
  1. Being born to die is futile
  2. There is an inherent injustice in being born just to die, which is particularly cruel when people suffer unnecessarily.
  3. People talk about love but seem not able to define it because what has been defined as love does not exist on Earth.
How can a philosophy that promotes being born to die as an acceptable and meaningful existence be considered a true religion? A substitute for seeking the truth, but not a true religion.
Although, football fanatics have an ideal (their team winning the championship), a practice for assisting their team to win (financial support and attending games), and a rationale for their support of the team that they follow (part of the culture, makes up the competition, necessary for people to have an interest, provides a reason to pass the time before one dies, etc). This could be considered a form of religion or a substitute for religion—especially a substitute for true religion.
If we were to say that the ideal is to live as long as one can (101 years) , the practice for doing this is to do whatever one can (secure heart transplants), and the justification for doing this is to exercise influence upon the world (New World Order), we could say that atheism is a substitute religion.
Communism is an attempt to institute an atheist version of the religion of peace. But communism is not a religion. Communism is a political philosophy.
True religion would seek an existence where individuals live in peace and recognize that living for eternity, experiencing individuality in oneness, is the ideal. True religion could also involve seeking the Creator of the Universe, who has established the principles and laws by which it sustains itself.
  • Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. (Isaiah 1:18)
  • And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us,28 for‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your poets have said,‘For we are indeed his offspring.’ (Acts 17:26-28)
The problem with atheism is that it is materialistic and works upon the assumption that everything that exists came out of that which does not exist, and people do not possess a spirit (or/and a soul) that is divisible from their bodies. Therefore, instead of peace, morality and a desire to appreciate each other, adherents are renowned for their vitriolic abuse, creating mayhem, killing people en mass, situational ethics,relative morality, tyranny, and despotic rulers suffering from paranoia that somebody is out to murder them to avenge their crimes.

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