Thursday, May 16, 2019

IGNORANT PEOPLE BELIEVE THEY ARE INTELLIGENT WHEN THEY CLAIM TRUST TRANSCENDS FAITH. Tragically, Many Claiming Intelligence Reject Faith As Nonsense But Do Not Realize That By Faith They Accept As True What Is Written In The Books They Read. Faith actually transcends merely being a belief system, but few realize this because they are focused on their personal fictions.

Happy Riches
Happy Riches, answers request by Paul Brocklehurst
Evidently, the question you raise is based upon a belief regarding faith that has nothing to do with faith as defined within the Bible.
Faith that is defined in the Bible, if it were based on nothing at all, would not be able to produce anything. Evidently, according to the First Law of Thermodynamics, which essentially states that nothing can be created from nothing, but for something to come into existence in one form it has to exist already, at the very least, as another form of energy.[1] Therefore, for faith to produce action, energy—the very essence that is the conviction of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen—has to exist.
Trust is something that forms part of faith and really is an prerequisite for faith. For without trust, faith cannot be exercised. Faith, of course, is a concept that means: whatever has been defined, even though it has not yet materialized, but because it is desired, will come into being, through the exertion of energy to bring it about.
Essentially, faith is required for everything humans do—if they are to advance from being a mere vegetable. However, unlike animals—which cannot reason—humans have the capacity to appreciate faith and utilize the function for the good of one another. Hence, we function by faith; for it is by faith that we form relationships and enter into contracts with other people to bring about desired outcomes.
In the Bible we read:
  • So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. (James 2:17)
  • For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead. (James 2:26)
If the spirit of a person is dead, there is no motivation to do anything. If a person does not have faith, then nothing is accomplished.
Any idea that faith is a belief or a set of assumptions (e.g. life came from nothing; the fairy of evolution is an absolute truth; the big bang really happened) is false. People might trust those assumptions, but why? There is no real evidence. Just like there is no blue sky that exists above us and people trust what they see, we have to ask for the proof. Or, if not, we can accept what we see is true.
The Bible actually teaches that we need to live our life by faith and not by sight. The word “walk” is used rather than”live”, but the same idea is meant. What human being truly experiences life’s pleasures without walking?
Why do we live our lives by faith and not by sight? Because we believe things to be true and put our trust in liars, who will tell us anything, which means we are beholden to ourselves, as seekers of truth, to make inquiries, investigate, examine, and discern what is true. But to discern what is true, we need to know what is false, and we need to possess a standard, a base, a measuring devise of some sort.
Just because we tell lies every now and again, but are foolish enough to trust others not to tell us lies, this does not mean that it is wrong to trust people—realistically, I trust all people to sin against me in some way, even if unintentionally; therefore, I need to be circumspective in all my dealings.
Admittedly, it is difficult to have faith in people who tell lies, but people still elect lying politicians to power, because they believe the lies they hear and trust the politicians—a case of liars believing liars.
Myself, I have no faith in politicians, except to break promises and tell lies. Moreover, I have absolute faith that every human being will sin and, at some point, to let me down if I place absolute trust in any one of them. Why? Because of my observation of known reality.
  • The wicked lie in wait to destroy me; but I consider thy testimonies.
    I have seen a limit to all perfection, but thy commandment is exceedingly broad. (Psalm 119:95-96)
  • Oh, how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day. Thy commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me.(Psalm 119:97-98)
There is a big difference when it comes to having faith in people and having faith in God. You might think that God does not exist, but then you may think the blue sky exists; whereas I know the night sky tells me different (Psalm 19:1).

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