Friday, May 31, 2019

EVIDENCE OF HUMANS BEING AROUND 200,000 YEARS IS QUESTIONABLE, FOR THE REAL EVIDENCE OF CERTIFIABLE CIVILIZATION CONFORMS TO THE RECORD OUTLINED IN THE BIBLE. People Like To Pander To Mythology While Rejecting The Truth Because This Is The Meme That Is Promoted By The Ruling Elite To Keep The Ignorati Within Academia In Line. If academics were to become genuine searchers of truth rather than being men pleasers begging a salary, the world would be a much better place to live and poverty would not be known as it is today.

Happy Riches
Maybe if humans can truly prove that people were alive 200,000 years ago then your question might be valid. The sad fact is atheists, who reject the true facts that exist and create theories (fairies or fairy tales) based on very flimsy evidence, fabricate claims which are purportedly scientifically established, when they are not. No evolutionist has been able to demonstrate the theory of evolution in a laboratory or anywhere since the conjecture was rammed down students' throats in schoolrooms as fact.
When someone—just one person—can demonstrate anywhere on Earth that creatures are actually morphing from one taxonomic family classification to another in real time, then they are being scientific. Until such time, the only persons being fooled are the deceivers and the gullible, who want to be deceived, rather than acknowledge the truth.
When hurricane Irma was approaching St Maarten (Carribean), public relations professional Alex Woolfall said on Twitter that he was hiding underneath a concrete stairwell while the storm hit the island. He was busily tweeting away informing of the sounds and sights. Suddenly, he began tweeting in fear:
Okay I am now pretty terrified so can every non-believer, atheist & heretic please pray for me[1]
When an unbeliever in the supernatural expects people to pray: What does he mean?

Materialists only believe in what they can see.

Yes, it is fun to be trendy— especially when the sun shines upon the cool water and a refreshing drink slips across one’s lips and down the throat.
Hurricane Irma may irk some atheists because they have to admit that this has caused some of their fellow believers in nothing to rethink their vulnerability and futility—what to do now they have just soiled more than their knees.

Such abandonment of faith in nothing is not unknown, for soldiers, having survived the trenches of battle in war zones, often report that atheists change more than their color (i.e. turn ghostly white) when bullets and shrapnel start flying, as grenades and shells fall nearby. Evidently, the mind that waivers is lost, the mind that is resolute understands what is required.
People who have not got the conviction to stand up for the truth (before a dose of diarrhea flies everywhere), often find it is too late once death closes the door.
As for myself, I was not around 200 years ago, let alone 5000 years ago. To be honest, I do not know what people were doing 200 years ago, only what certain individuals have written. As a qualified guess, I would say people were procreating, eating, sleeping, growing older, dying, stealing, lying, and doing pretty much what people do today. Some would have been devoted to applying themselves to various tasks with what are now considered antiquated and obsolete technology in many parts of the world, if not all of the world today. Many of the comforts experienced by a significant number of the world’s population today, would have been unknown 200 years ago—even 100 years ago.
However, even though we may think of people some 5000 years having had antiquated technology, from evidence on the ground, people actually appeared to have had some very powerful technology, as well, that enabled them to cut massive stone with laser precision and transport it for miles to elevated sites—even up steep gradients. Whether these people were prepared to acknowledge God, according to the Bible, in the main, this was not the case (Genesis 6:5-8).
In fact, the evidence on the ground points to a worldwide flood, where animals were drowned in graveyards as they scampered to higher ground, or whales were instantly petrified by volcanic eruptions, when swimming well above sea level. In fact, the whales were found with their baleen intact, which totally disintegrates within three days under normal conditions. What this means is a major catastrophe occurredthat raised the sea level higher than can be expected by a tsunami.
The topography of the Earth was changed at the time and instead of one land mass, it was separated into many islands and four massive land masses (Antarctica, Australia, Americas, Africa-Eurasia) or five if you want to include Greenland—which, apparently, was given its name for the abundance of green flora that grew there before the Earth began cooling again.
I learned about the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ through my grandparents. Then I encountered Him myself in person. After that I learned more about our Creator from reading the Bible, noting that the joy of salvation that I received is promised within its pages to all who are genuinely saved, and that we are implored to seek the Lord God until we receive such. Consequently, because of my personal experiences and what is written in the Bible that attests to them, I have come to realize that it is a reliable document.
Moreover, the more I have looked into matters historical, the more I have learned that what is written in the Bible concerning historical events is true. Whereas those who scoff at what is written in its pages, from my observation, speak from ignorance, and tend to have darkened hearts accompanied by wicked ways and wanton desires. In the main, these scoffers, who have a darkened, ignorant, wanton, wicked disposition, predominately ruling their futile lives (of which they are unaware), froth and spew their vitriol at those who do not agree with them. Why would any sane person agree that there is magnificent meaning in being born only to die at a moments notice; or, that we are ruled by chance; or, we are governed by biological predetermination.
The Bible states that this Earth is ruled by the power of the prince of the air and he has the ability to influence people who are prepared to do his will. This is not overtly stated, but it is clear, that those who have been set free from this influence are well aware of it (Ephesians 2:1-4; 2 Timothy 2:26)
Commonsense actually tells us that a Creator exists. (Don’t tell anyone, lest you are ridiculed for not believing in their fairies.) Just that some people through personal confirmation bias, encouraged by the affirmation of those who are believers in nothing, do not want to appear foolish in front of those who are like them. The adulation of being a believer in nothing is too much to lose.
One woman, I knew, claimed that Moses was a myth and wrote a book about it. She wrote to me stating that she was fluent in Hebrew and Aramaic from a child. She even claimed that she was once a Christian , but realized her beliefs were false and denounced Lord Jesus Christ.
Her beliefs were false, indeed. For, as I explained to her, she was never a Christian—a billion or so say they are Christians, but are not. And as for Moses’ existence and what happened after he appeared to Pharaoh, when I pointed her to undeniable archaeological evidence that the Exodus route existed exactly as recorded in the Bible, she rejected it. Instead she scoffed and, ironically, died the following year on the 25th of December, full of blasphemy and defiance.
We all have to reason out whether we are born to be fools, who believe in fairies, or whether we are born to be wise, and recognize that the days and months and seasons do not repeat, year in, year out, by chance.
If a person can reason today that we do not exist by chance by observing the days, the months, the seasons, the years—without needing the lesson of the roulette table—I am sure that people could have made the same conclusion 5000 years ago. In fact, some did (1 Peter 3:20).
The Creator exists, but whether we personally encounter Him, then this is a different matter. As for myself, fortunately and thankfully, I have.

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