Alan Burdick, a staff writer, for the The New Yorker claims that the human brain is a prediction machine, or even a time machine, because the paths of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma were predicted well in advance.
Burdick also claims that these hurricanes are evidence of climate change.
Atheist Bill Maher stated that because none of President Trump’s properties in the path of Hurricane Irma were damaged by the storm shows that God doesn’t exist.
Bill Maher informs us that atheists are self- centered individuals who are not to be trusted and they do not seek good for other people, just themselves, mostly.
Unlike other parts of the USA, most Texans acknowledge the Creator God and seek the
of other people, as was evident when Hurricane Harvey hit.
Putin says that Russia has proof the US Government is creating hurricanes with machines.
Prof Michel Chossudovsky writing for Global Research states:
Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons.
Evidently, the US military has been controlling the weather since 1947 under project "Cirrus" (named after the high cirrus clouds) and has been getting better at it over the years.
James McCanney worked out how technology can be used to control hurricanes and make accurate predictions.
Hurricane Erin was sitting offshore outside of New York when the twin towers were brought down on 9/11.
There is evidence (which is not going away) of magnetic fields being manipulated at the time the 9/11 event was happening.
What happened that fatal day on September 9, 2001, did not occur because of planes, or bombs planted in the buildings, but because Tesla technology had been deployed to cause phenomena that had never before been seen.
The evidence indicates that Hurricane Erin appears to have provided the energy that was harnessed to turn the two 110 story towers into dust and burn out the interior of building no. 7, before it came down in what appeared to be a classic demolition.
What President Reagan referred to as the Strategic Defense Initiative (dubbed "Star Wars" program) is the technology that has been developed to harness the power that creates hurricanes; although this was dismissed, as yet to be researched, lest people got too many ideas.
Harnessing this power is done by opening up a channel in the ionosphere so energy can be directed down to the Earth, with the help of clouds.
Cirrus clouds (Cirrus project began 1947) are much higher than the cumulonimbus clouds, which are utilized to create a tower by which energy can begin to be channeled through the atmosphere from the ionosphere.
Cumulonimbus clouds are referred to as thunderheads, because these are capable of producing lightning and other dangerously severe weather, such as tornadoes.
By using technology developed by Nikola Tesla that creates charged beams, these thunderheads are supercharged and, once an eye is formed, the storm becomes a hurricane (typhoon or cyclone) that can be controlled by satellites.
Dane Wigington sees Hurricane Maria as further evidence for
“weather weaponization” technology that allows powerful nations to literally steer superstorms into their intended targets.
This technology can be used for good to provide free electricity and guide hurricanes away from land or it can be used for evil to cause destruction with directed-energy weapons.
Evidently, Puerto Rico had become an economic basket case, with the leaders not seeing to the island's population meeting its debt obligations.
In the Bible we read:
And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.Matthew 24:22
The elect (not the elite) are those who have secured their salvation and are alive at the time that this event is expected to occur, when humans cause major damage to the ionosphere and what is meant to protect the Earth from outer-space radiation is destroyed.
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