Tuesday, April 30, 2019

RELIGION AND POVERTY GO HAND IN HAND IN THE MINDS OF THE IGNORANT AND THE FOOLISH. Wise People Recognize True Religion Is The Quest For The Truth And Indentify False Religion As Man-Made Organizations For The Purpose Of Controlling The Masses. The political element of false religion informs us that it has nothing to do with the truth, because everybody knows truth sets us free from ignorance and foolishness.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers requested by Jerome Volkmann
Poverty and religion are not synonymous. Poverty and control by people in the name of man-made religion go together. Man-made religion is false religion that is used to control the masses and keep them ignorant of what the elite think life is all about.
History appears to show that there has always been a hierarchy of classes within societies. These can be summed up as being five classes of people. There are the emperor or king and his ruling elite. The priestly class used for propaganda purposes. The merchant class who create the means for prosperity. The soldiers, tradesmen and farmers who protect, build and grow produce. The unskilled laborers.
The educated class are those who belong to the ruling elite and the priests. The merchants, soldiers, tradesmen and farmers have a lower education. The unskilled laborers have no education or sufficient to do their chores. Nothing has changed really, just the degrees of education and the complexity of the varying structures that form the broad categories (if you like) of caste.
Today in many societies based on the western model we see this as 1) the ruling elite, 2) white collar, 3) entrepreneurs, 4) blue collar and 5) the unemployed/semi-skilled underemployed.
The propaganda is the means used to control the masses, and fear is known to be the best means. Fear requires ignorance and pain. Without pain their is no fear. Without ignorance there is no means to amplify the fear so people will comply with their masters’ desires.
True religion, however, does not mean people are impoverished, rather that they are enriched. Those who have found the way to the truth about life, also seek to better and enrich the lives of others, who are less fortunate than themselves. Such individuals recognize the need for food, shelter and clothing, and that this comes from people being motivated to obtaining this. Education is required not propaganda—which is a means used to deceive and impoverish people who have a little wealth or are kept purposely poor.
Understandably, there are some religions that are designed to suppress the masses on behalf of the elite. The religions that historically—even today—that have most of the poor are Roman Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. True Christianity fosters a different spirit.
The suggestion that poverty will increase as the eastern world becomes more religious is a broad stroke. China has more Christians than any country—unofficially some estimates are over 300 million, but the true numbers, are difficult to pin down, with those in the underground church being truly committed.[1] The United States is supposedly a Christian nation yet has about 60 million committed Christians—and even that might be a little optimistic, because the United States public are becoming less religious. Although, Pew research estimate there are “122.7 million religiously affiliated adults for whom religion is very important”.[2]
China and United States have the largest number of genuine Christians among the nations, and these two nations have the largest economies on the globe. In fact, china's economy is expected to overtake the U.S. in 2018. Maybe this is because people in the USA are forsaking the Creator rather than seeking Him.
There a major difference between false religions and true religion. True religion is the quest for the way that leads to the truth, so a person can possess eternal life and the true riches that come with immortality.

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