Monday, April 22, 2019

ATHEISTS ARE BIGOTS WHO CANNOT ACCEPT STATUES OF RELIGIOUS FIGURES AS FORMS OF ART, NOR CAN THEY ACCEPT THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Evidently, The Ten Commandments Presented As Art Is Anathema For Atheists To Acknowledge, Because Loving Your Fellow Man Is Not What Atheism Is About. Atheism is really an agenda to rule by force and force ungodly acts upon those who are oppressed by the atheists, as history informs us.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers request by Mathew David
Atheists are capable of doing quite a number of things, except accept the truth that they are going to die and the Universe exists because of the Creator.
For an atheist to accept the truth of the Creator means that the person has to forsake atheism. Many do wake up and realize that a Creator has to exist and move to the position of an agnostic, where their position becomes one that God is impersonal and cannot be known intimately—humility is a major issue for those who pride themselves on their ignorati quotient.
The problem for most atheists is they have an unconscious hatred of themselves, because they hate the truth that they are created in the image of God, by virtue of the fact that they are spiritual beings, created to have harmonious relationships with the Holy One and a partner for life.
However, when reading about atheists, we learn they believe in relative morality and situational ethics rather than absolute morality.
Atheists may accept a statue of Moses, providing they are not bigoted, as some are known to be. Three sites, taken from the many condemning the bigotry of atheists by atheists, state:
A much bigger problem for atheists is accepting a statue incorporating the Ten Commandments. This is because the Ten Commandments include five exhortations to listen to God’s voice and become involved in a relationship with Him. Five more exhortations instruct us human beings to exercise faith and respect towards every other human, just as we would expect every other human to do to ourselves.
Atheists have an aversion towards the truths of God and, therefore, they would be expected to protest against stone engravings of the Ten Commandments being erected in public. After all an atheist organization sought removal of the Ten Commandments monument from Oklahoma Capitol grounds, just as atheists have demanded removal of the Decalogue from display throughout the public domain.
That God is love is something an atheist cannot experience. If an atheist were to experience the love of God, it would be impossible to remain committed to a bigoted agenda. Nor can an atheist know the freedom and purpose of possessing freewill, unless accompanied by a desire for honesty and truth.
The will of the atheist is controlled by the god of this world to do his will. This is because the atheist has been captured by the Evil One to do his will (2 Timothy 2:26). Tragically, atheists think they are exercising freewill when they express hatred towards God. Little do they realize that they have handed their freewill over to the influence of evil rather than good.

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