Saturday, December 15, 2018

THE FREEWILL OF THE OMNISCIENT GOD PUZZLES HUMANS LIMITED TO UNDERSTANDING WHAT LITTLE THEY CAN LEARN IN LESS THAN TEN DECADES. People Project Upon Others What They Are Themselves And, Because They Are Restricted In Their Feeble Minds, They Assume That The Omniscient Creator Would Have To Be Also. Atheists even think that they are Omniscient, although they will back off when challenged, because they know they are nothing but pitiful individuals, born to die, and know very little, even if they have many opinions based upon faulty information that they like to call knowledge.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers request by Mathew David

For God to be omniscient and possess freewill would only be natural, don’t you think? If you were omniscient, do you think that you would overlook how to provide yourself freewill. As it stands, you have freewill and you are not omniscient. How much more easy would it be for the Creator, who has access to infinity, to have freewill.
What is freewill?
Myself, I would say it is the freedom to will something into existence or to stop it from existing.
Humanly speaking, we can either will to learn how to do something or give the idea the flick. We can either seek the Omniscient One or not bother. We might even ask the question: Why would anyone want to seek someone who knows more than oneself? Then we might not ask the question, because if we did, we know we will find ourselves one day desiring to find the answer.
Here are some dictionary definitions from The Free Dictionary by Farlex, which at the time of consultation has served 9,962,832,336 visitors who, presumably, like myself, made the decision to look up “freewill” or, at least, some other word.
Freewill is defined as:
  • Done of one’s own accord, voluntary.
  • Free and independent choice; voluntary decision.
  • The doctrine that the conduct of human beings expresses personal choice and is not simply determined by physical or divine forces.[1]
The suggestion by a largely ignorant individual that the Omniscient One has not the ability to exercise free and independent choice in a matter, would have to be the height of arrogance. But there are many arrogant individuals who do not accept that the Creator exists, mainly because they like to think they know better. Seriously, can you imagine a mere mortal being so preposterous to think that he or she might possess omniscience, and therefore be in the position to deny the existence of the Creator?
Freewill is the ability to choose between two objects, two ideas, two directions, even between “1” and “0” or life and death.
Omniscience is the ability to see into the future and recognize that a wrong course of action is exactly that. Maybe this is contrary to popular opinion, but a course of action that produces good and not evil would be the what an Omniscient Being would take—don’t you think? Why would an Omniscient Being want to cause and experience grief when possessing the knowledge that it would be unpleasant? The decision not to experience grief would be what an Omniscient Being would make, one would suppose—don’t you agree?. To make such a choice as to avoid grief requires freewill. So does the decision to create a Universe when previously it did not exist.

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