Saturday, December 22, 2018

THE FATALISTIC FATE OF ATHEISM IS SO TERRIBLE ATHEISTS REFUSE TO CONTEMPLATE WHAT IT REALLY MEANS. Not That Atheists Are Dumb, Even If The Bible Calls Them Fools, But That They Are Deceived, And In Their Ignorance They Utter Stupid Remarks, Not Realizing That They Are Unintelligent, And May As Well Be Mouthing Glossolalia. Fortunately for some atheists they come to their senses and recognize that the Lord God Creator of Heaven and Earth exists, which means that they are definitely not an alien race that has infiltrated humankind.

Happy Riches

Atheism is often defined as the disbelief in gods. Although true atheism would be the denial that the Creator exists and humans are merely organisms that are animals. True atheism has to deny freewill and the fact that intelligence and knowledge exist.
A little reflection about what a true atheist has to accept as true and a short conversation with an atheist is sufficient to indicate that they do not really believe in atheism. Therefore the fate of atheism is obvious. Atheism does not exist. At least, not that defined above as true atheism.
Most people who call themselves atheists really do not know what they are talking about, but like to use bluff and bluster to make out that they do. When put on the spot and asked to give an explanation as to why they are born to die, the mere fact that they have to think and provide an answer demonstrates that they do not believe they are mere biological creatures without the ability to think.
Thinking is not a chemical reaction. If it were, thoughts would come out of a Petri dish, or something like alphabet soup would easily be made by taking a piece of human brain and mixing it with some water. Yet we read many claims suggesting that brains can be grown in a petri dish.
Just as there is hubris about scientific advancements that are not what they claim, so, too, there is much hubris by those who claim they are adherents of atheism.

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