Friday, September 9, 2016

CAPITALISM COMES IN DIFFERENT FORMS. For Example There Is Crony Capitalism, State Capitalism, Turbo Capitalism, Responsible Capitalism. Most people confuse capitalism with crony capitalism and do not understand that pure capitalism is really a matter of human capital that has nothing to do with money. Money is just an artificial means that represents capital, but the system is distorted.

Harry Riches
Harry RichesAnswers

Would Jesus support capitalism? Evidently Jesus did and this is evident in the Parables about the Talents.

Taken From The Only Words Written By The Finger Of God:
In this parable of the talents, Jesus, rather surprisingly, makes a point that the idea of banking is favorable and acceptable to God. In doing so, Jesus highlights the financial sophistication that existed in the economy of His day, and gives His tacit approval to the concept of bankers paying interest on money deposited in their trust. For the bankers to make a profit, they would then have to lend the money to someone else who would use the money also to make a profit. What this means is Jesus was effectively endorsing capitalism, which is the use of wealth to create more wealth—by using human capital to be creative. 
The idea of lending money out at interest was not new in Jesus’ day. The Mosaic covenant permitted lending at interest by Israelites to non-Israelites (Deuteronomy 23:20). In Nehemiah’s day people were borrowing money to purchase grain and pay taxes (Nehemiah 5:3-4). The concept of lending at interest was known in other cultures. Lending money is recognized as a legitimate means of expanding an economy and increasing wealth—as evidenced in micro-financing: where loans are made to impoverished people in Third World countries on the basis of a person’s integrity. The results have been outstanding and many men and, in particular, women have demonstrated the wisdom of borrowing money to facilitate entrepreneurial projects that foster not only self-employment and human enterprise but also new employment opportunities where none previously existed. This in turn has increased the living standards of the community. 
The middleman is often accused of being exploitative and making all the money, but it just so happens that the middleman is also responsible for creating many of the systems that enable economies to expand and create more wealth to be shared by the people.
Capitalism always requires middlemen and, of all the many tested types of economic ideologies throughout history, capitalism has proven to be the most efficient means for distributing wealth among the people. This is something Jean Paul Getty, the founder of the Getty Museum, noticed when traveling to Russia just after the First World War. Getty was considering becoming a socialist and a diplomat. However, when he saw the impoverished conditions experienced by the Russians compared to the abundance of wealth that was shared by many more American citizens, Getty realized the virtues of capitalism outshone that of socialism. Getty then decided to build his own business, which ended up employing over twelve thousand employees, with the lowest corporate turnover of employees in the USA and UK. 

Today, all the Eastern European Socialist Countries and the USSR that were known as the Communist Bloc, and Communist China have recognized the value of capitalism for creating wealth and improving the material comforts of their citizens, and have abandoned the idea of socialism and communism to permit capitalism to flourish. Communist North Korea is the exception. North Korea has insufficient food for its people and serves as a fitting reminder of the disadvantages of communism, especially when contrasted against capitalist South Korea, where there is an abundance of food and goods for the people to enjoy and make their lives more comfortable.
Much material good has been brought about through capitalism. However this is not to be confused with crony capitalism (collusion between the Govt and businesses) or socialist capitalism (propping up businesses and bailing out banks) that is mistakenly thought to be capitalism because it is promoted as capitalism—although President Obama is now saying that capitalism and socialism are the same, which is the truth when referring to corporate capitalism (fascism); that is crony and socialist capitalism.

Jesus endorsed true capitalism in The Parable of the Talents because this is how individuals are incentivized to gain self-esteem and to help society. True capitalism is based upon individual effort and not handouts. True capitalism has nothing to do with individual salvation, but to do with individual merit and worth. Unfortunately, people are confused by indoctrination within the education system or government propaganda. True capitalism is about individual liberty and Lord Jesus Christ only wants to set the captive free.

The Capitalism of Jesus is for you to enjoy and possess life by learning truth

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