Friday, March 1, 2019

CAN THE INFINITE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE BE DEFINED? Definitions Mean Things Have Limitation, But, Can We Really Define That Which Is Infinite Apart From Acknowledging Its Boundlessness? Maybe we could define God appearing in human form, because we would know which gender was assumed and what qualities were manifested in such an appearance.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers request by Avril Hayes

When asking what is the best definition of God, one must wonder who would be game enough to claim the omniscience to judge. Certainly not myself.

When we define something, we need to know the limits of a thing, especially if we are to provide a definitive description that adequately captures the extent to which a thing exists; or impacts or influences its surrounds. Any person understanding this, would not have the arrogance to attempt to define that which is beyond description, because the limits are unknown.
God is the Infinite One besides whom there is no other. Therefore, God is beyond definition by a mere mortal. In fact, the best a mortal like myself could do is acknowledge some of the attributes of God that have been revealed to me, of which I have come to understand some aspects.
From my understanding of the Creator God, whom I have come to know personally, He is a loving righteous Father, who cares about me beyond anything I could measure. Since I recognize that the Universe exists within the Infinite One, even though He relates to me by revealing what might seem like a finite presence, I am also aware that there is a place from which the Universe is overseen. The Bible challenges people to state where they were when the circle (or sphere) of the great deep was drawn and the waters were separated from the waters, so that the Universe could be made.
  • He has described a circle [think sphere] upon the face of the waters at the boundary between light and darkness. (Job 26:10)
  • When he established the heavens, I was there, when he drew a circle [think sphere] on the face of the deep. (Proverbs 8:27)
Moreover, I have come to realize that because God is righteous, the love that He possesses demands that everybody is requited for what they do and say, with mercy being shown to the ignorant, and kindness to the stiff-necked and hardhearted, but since each has freewill, each person has the right to choose life or death. There is a plan and purpose for humanity overall and we are all responsible for our own destiny. Because God loves us, He will not override our freewill and our decisions will be upheld, especially if we refuse to be reasonable and recognize the futility of being born only to die, and that the Universe exudes evidence of having been designed from the movement of the planets within the solar system, in which we live, to the virtual cities that exist, function and interact with each other within the cells of our very bodies.
Personally, I recognize that I am inadequate, even inept, when it comes to providing a definition of the Infinite One, who alone possesses immortality and omniscience and omnipotence and is omnipresent. Eternity is in His hand.

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