Tuesday, March 12, 2019

ATHEISTS HATE THE TRUTH BECAUSE THEY LOVE EVIL AND ARE AFRAID TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY ARE GOING TO SUFFER ETERNAL PUNISHMENT, We Can Be Assured That God Is Real And Eternal Life Is Available To The Repentant Regenerate Righteous Person Because Those Who Hate God Love Evil And Are Not Hypocrites But Blind Fools According To The Bible. Hypocrites are people who make out they are good most atheists feel they have no need, and are very clear about their intentions and what they do to people who point out what is good and what is evil.

Happy Riches
Happy Riches, answers request by Josh Allen
Not too many people would think that the Bible is unbelievable if they saw the archaeological evidence and were willing to admit, as Adam Zertal did, that atheism is the wrong turn. The right turn is always right.
Anybody who does not want to believe anything that they are shown is true will not believe the validity or authenticity of a matter simply because they choose not to do so. When I pointed (the now deceased) Dorothy Murdock (Did Moses Exist? The Myth of Israelite Lawgiver) to the evidence of the Exodus, she merely consulted some atheist website and then declared to me that, as far as she was concerned, her claim that Moses is a myth still stands. She did not want to accept what was written in the Bible, even though she told me that she was fluent in ancient Hebrew and Greek. Moreover she claimed that she had read the Bible many times in the original languages. Much has to do with how honest people are about receiving truth, not what they think they can do, or how self-righteous they might perceive themselves to be.
However, if a person comes from an indoctrinated position of an atheist or secularist or a different religion, the Bible might be difficult to accept as a true account of God delivering the Hebrews out of Egypt with the plagues. You have to admit that a man with a staff, having come out of the desert, bringing Pharaoh to his knees does seem rather extraordinary. The fact that the Bible is an extraordinary book does confound unbelievers who do not accept that it is possible for God to deal with men in the way that is recorded in the Bible. Just ask Dorothy Murdock what happens when you reject the truth—sorry, too late: she died on 25th December, just over a year later, adamant that Jesus of Nazareth was not real and the Virgin Birth a myth.  
He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision. (Psalm 2:4) The Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming.(Psalm 37:13)
Death is real. Death is not a game about which people make guesses and wake up laughing nor is death an attempt to see whose opinion sounds the most plausible.
The fact that God actually talks to certain individuals directly and instructs them to prophesy, many people may find this outside what they are prepared to accept really occurs, because they have not had any such experience themselves. You have to admit that other people’s personal accounts of events of what has happened to them, at times can be foreign to your ears, and difficult to believe when you have not experienced something similar. Try talking to an Eskimo who only knows an environment full of snow and has never seen what a sand dune looks like and describe how sand is not like snow. You will discover, in all likelihood, that the Eskimo thinks you are being a little too imaginative, because you have gone outside his experience. Likewise, when it comes to the Bible, the ignorati find it too difficult to grasp because of their own limited experiences and, also, often, because they have been indoctrinated into a way of thinking that excludes the supernatural.
When talking about the supernatural, there is another class of persons who reject what is written in the Bible. These are those who are are rebellious and desire occult powers, so they can influence people, exercise power over them and manipulate them. They find the Bible difficult to believe when it speaks about having a relationship with God the Father through God the Son. They deny that Jesus is Lord of the Universe.
Many find the resurrection difficult to believe, because they cannot conceive of the dead being raised. The idea of the dead being raised is central to the Bible’s message of salvation. People who reject this would rather think in terms of spirits floating in the air (like clouds in the sky) or the transmigration of the soul from nothingness to nothingness through many reincarnations as a creature or a human being on Earth. The reason for this is they have not seen the dead being raised, only people dying.  Therefore, in order to justify their existence, they have to believe something, so why not create an imaginary scenario that provides some comfort for their misfortune of having been born only to suffer, then die. This is what the Buddha did based upon his observations of the world around him. He recognized that words are not seen, but they are heard and understood, consequently the life principle can be understood, even though it is not seen—that is, if you can call at temporary existence true life. Jesus said that life never ends for those who are resurrected.
One of the canards that is offered as a reason for people not believing the Bible to be divinely inspired is God instructing the Hebrews not to murder and then ordering them to kill people. If they really wanted to know the truth, these individuals, who concoct a false narrative about God being evil, would seek to know the difference between temporal biological existence and eternal existence, as well as, righteous execution to eliminate harmful actors from society and wrongful murder. Instead, they scoff.
Many claim that Jesus lost his temper when He took a whip and drove the money changers out of the temple. For some reason, these people cannot conceive that Jesus was not even angry, but merely executing the righteousness that He possessed to judge people and execute His own right over the temple, as the Lord of the Sabbath and Creator of the Hebrew nation.
The only time Jesus was ever said to have displayed anger was when he was grieved at the hardness of heart exhibited by the hypocrites, who love to virtue signal and be exalted as virtuous people, when they were not.
  • And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored. (Mark 3:5)
People without the ability to forgive, instead of being angry, who do not have the power to command a person’s withered arm to be healed, find what is written beyond their comprehension and they refuse to accept that this could have happened. Yet they will willingly believe the propaganda in newspapers and other media without demanding proof.
What the ignorati do not realize is to believe that the Earth is spinning at some 1040 mph, while hurtling at speeds of 70,000 mph around the Sun every 365.25 days, while a moon orbits it at 2288 mph being a mere accident—a one off chance event—really requires a belief in fairies. Now if this is not true, and the Earth is not rotating on its axis, while on a tilt as it completes it yearly circuit around the Sun, together with the Moon orbiting it, then we are being told lies; we are being deceived. If this is true, this is evidence that our Creator exists and is waiting for us to call upon Him (Acts 14:17).
In short, the only reason that makes the Bible unbelievable is the person reading it not wanting to understand why it is written.
After all, who would believe that you are on a planet spinning at 1040 mph as it speeds around a Sun at 70,000 mph, with a Moon orbiting it at 2288 mph. But you would believe an earthquake if it happened right now. True? 

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