Saturday, October 27, 2018

WHY WOULD CHRISTIANITY NOT BE ON A PAR WITH THE GREAT RELIGIONS OF HINDU, BUDDHISM AND ISLAM? Judaism Is A Very Important Religion Too, Because It Is Supposed To Have Come From The Loins Of Abraham. But to ask what disproves Christianity, we must wonder in what way—historically or morally or factually?

What disproves Christianity?

Happy Riches answers request made by Nathan Bae

Education is a misnomer because too many people think that they are educated when in fact they have been programmed through an acculturation process that includes indoctrination.

Many think that they can disprove the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ did not happen because they believe their own opinion is really science. The truth is people believe what they want to believe, unless they are genuinely seeking the truth.

However, a false witness is the one thing that causes people to shy away from considering investigating the reality of Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead. When people claim to be Christians and do what everybody does, those who are unbelievers see no reason to give Lord Jesus Christ a second thought.

People who are merely opinionated fools, who do not know what they are talking about, may think that they have disproved the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ by pointing to the class of hypocrites that they find within religious organizations to bolster their point of view as being true, but just because a liar lies, this does not detract from the truth. After all, the truth is people do not ask to be born, do not ask to die, which means their lives are meaningless in the final scheme of existence.
To attribute meaning to a life that is here today and gone tomorrow is as inconsequential as that of a deer being mauled and eaten by a bear. Or the life of Robin Redbreast—who? Think about the cockroach. So what? Who cares? Likewise, how many people live in the world today? Or as Nick Rockefeller reportedly said to Aaron Russo (producer of the films Trading Places and The Rose) regarding the rest of the population being exterminated, “They do not matter. I mean: Who are they to you?”

The only way a person can disprove that Lord Jesus Christ did not die for the sin of the world so Adam’s progeny could be redeemed and reconciled to God is one a person has died. Once a person has died, then the person will know whether Jesus of Nazareth was truly the Son of God who rose from the dead after paying the price to redeem mankind from having been born into a futile existence of sin, suffering and death. Before that time, the only time a person cannot disprove the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. It is impossible. Just as it is impossible for you to disprove that on 1st January, 2018, I picked my nose at 1 minute after midnight.

How it is possible for you to prove that Lord Jesus Christ lives and would like to you to get to know Him, if you are a genuine person who recognizes the futility of being born to die and the injustice that exists because people suffer for no righteous reason. This you can prove, because if you genuinely want to know the truth, you will hate evil and desire righteousness. You will want answers, but recognize that humans are liars—because you have lied yourself—so you do not seek men or women but the Creator. When you have gotten to that stage in your life that nothing else matters other than knowing whether Lord Jesus rose from the dead after dying for your sin, then you will find Him. I did.

Historical Events Are Difficult To Disprove But Enjoying The Experience Is Fun

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