Tuesday, October 30, 2018

JESUS CHRIST WAS A DELUDED LIAR ACCORDING TO THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE THAT HE EVER EXISTED. The Problem With Historical Accounts Is Whether They Are Trustworthy Or Not. The Bible is said to be a myth, yet the atheists are not prepared to demonstrate how the artifacts that prove its historical reliability are factual, they just rant and express project their disgust of themselves onto others, who gullibly believe them and following in their footsteps.

Happy Riches
Happy Riches, answers request by Clark Weiler

From what little I have seen of life, generally speaking, I would say that people who make such statements are suffering from internal conflicts and need some guidance. At least, you are willing to ask the question and see what people might say.

Myself, I did not think that there was any reason to know whether Jesus rose from the dead, even though I had heard of Him. But when I saw the change in my grandparents lives—the love they manifested for each other—and they attributed this to having encountered the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, this made an impression upon me. So much so, that as a result of observing those changes, I eventually sought to know Lord Jesus Christ myself.

Now, either I was deluded when I saw the change in the my grandparents’ lives or I encountered a couple of people who had been transformed remarkably in their attitudes and outlook in life; particularly in what was a seemingly miraculous fashion—not to mention my grandfather having had his hip miraculously healed after being broken when hit by a bus. Taking the latter view that an inexplicable transformation had taken place, I sought Lord Jesus Christ and, after earnestly seeking Him, He appeared before me and imparted the assurance of eternal salvation to remain within me. This assurance still exists after forty-four years.

As for your statement, I do not think about it at all. Like water on a duck’s back really. Once a girl has menstruated, unless she is suffering from serious psychological dystrophy, she understands she is probably capable of giving birth to children, something she could not do beforehand. Likewise, the person who has received eternal life understands a change has taken place within. Once a person has received the assurance of eternal life, what anybody has to say about Jesus does not matter. Like the girl who has become a woman, the person facing death is confident of possessing eternal life. The unsaved person has become saved from death and eternal judgment. Simple really.

Say whatever you like, it doesn’t affect me, other than to merely hope that you are not deluded enough to reject your only hope of salvation, see the light and enter into the experience that I now possess.

History Cannot Be Proven, But The Now Never Ends, Unfortunately People Suffer

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