Tuesday, October 30, 2018

JESUS CHRIST WAS A DELUDED LIAR ACCORDING TO THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE THAT HE EVER EXISTED. The Problem With Historical Accounts Is Whether They Are Trustworthy Or Not. The Bible is said to be a myth, yet the atheists are not prepared to demonstrate how the artifacts that prove its historical reliability are factual, they just rant and express project their disgust of themselves onto others, who gullibly believe them and following in their footsteps.

Happy Riches
Happy Riches, answers request by Clark Weiler

From what little I have seen of life, generally speaking, I would say that people who make such statements are suffering from internal conflicts and need some guidance. At least, you are willing to ask the question and see what people might say.

Myself, I did not think that there was any reason to know whether Jesus rose from the dead, even though I had heard of Him. But when I saw the change in my grandparents lives—the love they manifested for each other—and they attributed this to having encountered the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, this made an impression upon me. So much so, that as a result of observing those changes, I eventually sought to know Lord Jesus Christ myself.

Now, either I was deluded when I saw the change in the my grandparents’ lives or I encountered a couple of people who had been transformed remarkably in their attitudes and outlook in life; particularly in what was a seemingly miraculous fashion—not to mention my grandfather having had his hip miraculously healed after being broken when hit by a bus. Taking the latter view that an inexplicable transformation had taken place, I sought Lord Jesus Christ and, after earnestly seeking Him, He appeared before me and imparted the assurance of eternal salvation to remain within me. This assurance still exists after forty-four years.

As for your statement, I do not think about it at all. Like water on a duck’s back really. Once a girl has menstruated, unless she is suffering from serious psychological dystrophy, she understands she is probably capable of giving birth to children, something she could not do beforehand. Likewise, the person who has received eternal life understands a change has taken place within. Once a person has received the assurance of eternal life, what anybody has to say about Jesus does not matter. Like the girl who has become a woman, the person facing death is confident of possessing eternal life. The unsaved person has become saved from death and eternal judgment. Simple really.

Say whatever you like, it doesn’t affect me, other than to merely hope that you are not deluded enough to reject your only hope of salvation, see the light and enter into the experience that I now possess.

History Cannot Be Proven, But The Now Never Ends, Unfortunately People Suffer

TOO MANY PEOPLE HAVE A POOR UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE’S BASICS, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT REALLY WANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN. Instead Of Wanting To Know Truth And The Reason Why Ideas Of A Creator God Exist And We Have A Need To Find Him, People Get Caught Up In Theology; The Study Of God And Whatever Pertains To Him. For many Theology is a boring subject that requires a philosophical mind or an intellectual bent.

How do I know when having wrong theology is a sin such as thinking gambling isn't wrong, having incorrect thinking about the trinity or misunderstanding an attribute of God?

Happy Riches answers request by David Creedon

Understanding the difference between right and wrong is not as hard as the confused attempt to make out. The worse thing about religionists and Christians is “know-it-all-ism”. The "ignorati" are big on know-it-all-ism too, because they like to think they are omniscient, and get cut to the quick when their ignorance is pointed out.

Jesus rejoiced the Heavenly Father chose to reveal the truth to babes (not young women) who are innocent and admit that they do not know much, rather than the know-it-alls and ignorati of this world, who are spiritually blind and intellectually bereft of understanding the truth about life—being born to die is not a meaningful existence!

Jesus extended an invitation to all who are willing to humble themselves and say that they have not the power over death and they know not the truth.
  • Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
Those who fail to have the yoke of Lord Jesus placed over them cannot learn the truths of life. Instead they remain confused and baffled at the reason they are born. Likewise, so are those who do not like the yoke of Lord Jesus and cast it off.

The book of Hebrews talks about who is to learn the truth.
  • Although he was a Son, he learned obedience through what he suffered; and having been made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him…. those whose faculties have been trained by practice to distinguish good from evil. Therefore let us go on toward perfection, leaving behind the basic teaching about Christ, and not laying again the foundation: repentance from dead works and faith toward God (Hebrews 5:8-6:1)
The problem about understanding what is sin and what is not sin and one’s own place before the Throne of Grace ceases when one humbly acknowledges the need to actually understand what is sin, so that it can be recognized when encountered. The only words written by the Finger of God exist so that we might know what is sin. Most people do not understand what God wrote. Therefore, they run around like chickens that have been decapitated, rather than having their sins covered by the righteous blood of Lord Jesus Christ.

When Isaiah said that God requires us to come and reason with Him, most people appear to think that this means have an argument with an atheist or religionist or someone else, if not oneself, instead of what the man actually writes:
  • Come now, let us argue it out, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. (Isaiah 1:18)
When a person does not understand the truth of what God Himself wrote with His own Finger, or does not want to understand the truth, then issues like gambling, heresies about church dogma and other matters are like a thumb that has just been hit with sledgehammer, when one could have simply not put one’s thumb on the anvil, so that it could be hit, in the first place.

People who understand what God Himself wrote have no difficulty with understanding what it means to violate faith. Everyone else is confused, baffled and stabbing in the dark.

Monday, October 29, 2018

THE BIBLE IS A BOOK OF TWO TESTAMENTS THAT HAVE MUCH THE SAME MESSAGE, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO SIN. Sin Can Be A Violation Against God Or Another Member Of The Human Race. Yet many people cannot see how it sodomy is sinful and claim homosexuality is really an expression of righteousness; that is, true love—but then they would, wouldn’t they?

Happy Riches
Happy Riches, answers request by Mathew David

God gave everybody freewill. If you want to be a homosexual, then that is your choice. However, the natural order of procreation is for a boy to become a man and a girl to become a woman. A man ejaculates. A woman ovulates. That is the natural order. Nothing about Adam and Steve in the Old Testament. Neither is there anything about them in the New Testament becoming one flesh. Nothing about two women becoming one flesh, either.
  • For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. (Ephesians 5:31)
  • But fornication and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is fitting among saints. Let there be no filthiness, nor silly talk, nor levity, which are not fitting; but instead let there be thanksgiving. Be sure of this, that no fornicator or impure man, or one who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for it is because of these things that the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. (Ephesians 5:3-6)
Essentially, everyone has been given the freedom to choose how they are going to live their lives on Earth. Whether they want to accept that after death comes judgment (Hebrews 9:27), this is up to them. Just remember, death tells us that there is a limit to our freedoms. Offspring require both male and female gametes.

The More Things Change The More Things Stay The Same

Saturday, October 27, 2018

WHY WOULD CHRISTIANITY NOT BE ON A PAR WITH THE GREAT RELIGIONS OF HINDU, BUDDHISM AND ISLAM? Judaism Is A Very Important Religion Too, Because It Is Supposed To Have Come From The Loins Of Abraham. But to ask what disproves Christianity, we must wonder in what way—historically or morally or factually?

What disproves Christianity?

Happy Riches answers request made by Nathan Bae

Education is a misnomer because too many people think that they are educated when in fact they have been programmed through an acculturation process that includes indoctrination.

Many think that they can disprove the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ did not happen because they believe their own opinion is really science. The truth is people believe what they want to believe, unless they are genuinely seeking the truth.

However, a false witness is the one thing that causes people to shy away from considering investigating the reality of Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead. When people claim to be Christians and do what everybody does, those who are unbelievers see no reason to give Lord Jesus Christ a second thought.

People who are merely opinionated fools, who do not know what they are talking about, may think that they have disproved the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ by pointing to the class of hypocrites that they find within religious organizations to bolster their point of view as being true, but just because a liar lies, this does not detract from the truth. After all, the truth is people do not ask to be born, do not ask to die, which means their lives are meaningless in the final scheme of existence.
To attribute meaning to a life that is here today and gone tomorrow is as inconsequential as that of a deer being mauled and eaten by a bear. Or the life of Robin Redbreast—who? Think about the cockroach. So what? Who cares? Likewise, how many people live in the world today? Or as Nick Rockefeller reportedly said to Aaron Russo (producer of the films Trading Places and The Rose) regarding the rest of the population being exterminated, “They do not matter. I mean: Who are they to you?”

The only way a person can disprove that Lord Jesus Christ did not die for the sin of the world so Adam’s progeny could be redeemed and reconciled to God is one a person has died. Once a person has died, then the person will know whether Jesus of Nazareth was truly the Son of God who rose from the dead after paying the price to redeem mankind from having been born into a futile existence of sin, suffering and death. Before that time, the only time a person cannot disprove the death and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ. It is impossible. Just as it is impossible for you to disprove that on 1st January, 2018, I picked my nose at 1 minute after midnight.

How it is possible for you to prove that Lord Jesus Christ lives and would like to you to get to know Him, if you are a genuine person who recognizes the futility of being born to die and the injustice that exists because people suffer for no righteous reason. This you can prove, because if you genuinely want to know the truth, you will hate evil and desire righteousness. You will want answers, but recognize that humans are liars—because you have lied yourself—so you do not seek men or women but the Creator. When you have gotten to that stage in your life that nothing else matters other than knowing whether Lord Jesus rose from the dead after dying for your sin, then you will find Him. I did.

Historical Events Are Difficult To Disprove But Enjoying The Experience Is Fun

MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE IF THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT WE INTERBRED WITH THE NOW-EXTINCT SPECIES? A Clown Who Studied Biology Wants To Know Why God Is Not An Ape. Another Person Wants To Know Why Neanderthals Are Not Mentioned In The Bible. Quora Moderators, who are usually hostile to anything that is not conforming to their pathetic ideologies, (many are God-haters) do not want people to read this article and banned the author from any privileges. Be careful if you read this, it was written before Donald Trump became President

Happy Riches, answers the question to the chagrin of the God-haters, those who have no hope for eternity. Beware the wit may not seem appropriate.

Neanderthals died out because they were too clever for their own good, research suggests.

What does the Bible really say about Neanderthals?

People love to poke fun at the Bible because they read books written by people who have lived no more than 122 years and 122 days, two hours, twenty-two minutes and twenty-two seconds.

In these books or articles that people read, there could be any amount of falsehood. Yet without any conclusive proof, people regurgitate what they have read, pretending to be authorities themselves. Are such people omniscient know-it-alls, or just fools?

How do you know the Neanderthal Stalin and his brother Hitler did or did not have children?
Whatever your answer, it will either be a mere guess. Or you may have read a book and believe the claim to be authoritative; because it has been peer reviewed by people seeking the same kind of funding as the expert author of the book had (only you do not believe money influences unethical and immoral behavior).

To be honest, I am not sure whether there ever was an immoral Neanderthal named Stalin who had an immoral brother named Hitler (I have never met either); but because there appears to have been a claim made for mass extinction, I guess there had to have been.... Just a guess.... But if I said it was a fact based on bone fragments, it would not be a guess.... Is that how this game works?
Someone is indoctrinated into some scientific theory and then because others are mesmerized by the person's claims and integrity (PhD, PhD, Nobel, Pulitzer and pull the other one), people think the person now possesses omniscience and is absolutely truthful.

(Let us meditate those truths. Now after me. O.. O.. ba... O... ba... Om... arm.. a ..O.. O...bbbb.. aaa...ma.... Practice later.... I am told it is very rewarding nobly so... And brings the prize of peace. No bells.... Just fireworks.... Secular religion at its best. . The evolution of .... apes.... Neanderthals.... into the religion of peace.... Or death to infidels!)

People claiming to be scholars are absolutely reliable and always tell the truth. How do I know? I saw it on TV or did my preschool teacher tell me? (Memory issues here.) Maybe I read it on the internet? Anyhow, they all agree because they have facts. (Is the letter "u" in "faux" silent and the word "faux" pronounced "facts"?)

Forget that and let's talk tin-tacks (ouch!). A few bones are produced, then a drawing, and some more imagination develops a theory. Once written down, the concept of Neanderthal Man is declared as proof among the many (expert declared) indisputable facts proving the evolution of man from an "iota" or is it a "quark" or maybe it is a "quack" (Donald knows. He can trump anything!). Except, it cannot be proven in the now. Or can it?

Science has to have proof in the now, otherwise it is faux (sorry, you mean factual...no fake!) science. How do I know? I was told by my Father... Do I mean Heavenly Father? (mmm...mmm...mmm...?) Let us see what we can do.

When it comes to the Bible, it is obviously a fable. Why? The Bible has words to the effect that ignorant people scoff, saying things like: the Creator does not exist. But then we often hear people say the Bible is a myth or the Bible is not real. If you were to believe them, they would have to be correct, because they are always right. Well, that is what they like to proclaim.
Nevertheless, the Bible exists. You can read it.... Yes, I know, it is only a book.... What can I say?.... We will just have to overlook this fact for now. Who would believe what is written in a book?.... Only fools.... I know.

Back to the Neanderthal man and what the Bible has to say. Unfortunately, the Bible does not mention Neanderthal man..... Naturally, the wise of this world say that this proves that the Bible has to be nonsense. (Those who possesses no hope and no power over death tell me the Bible is nonsense all the time.) But let's use our God-given intelligence a little.

Could the Bible talk about Neanderthal man but use different nomenclature?

If we were to ask when was Neanderthal man invented, the question would probably be considered a non sequitur; because even fools know they existed more than 40,000 years ago. Did they? How do you know? You read it in a book? Heard it on TV? Your teacher told you? You had a wish? But you were not there....Oh!!!... You wish you were there so that you could testify to the truth.... Who would have thought of such a thing as people testifying to the truth?

(Tip: When you testify to the truth, expect fools to claim as nonsense that what you testify to being true.... Does it matter?... Not to you.... You are testifying to the truth..... Because you know and they don't.... They are the losers.... Nevertheless, testify just in case a fool has an epiphany and sees the reality of truth.... Truth does not change.... Besides, you never know a fool may decide to cease being just another opinionated fool and actually do some legitimate scientific investigation into the truth of the matter.)

Let us be honest here and do some scientific inquiry into Neanderthals and see whether they exist today.

The Bible claims that the Ten Commandments were the only words ever written by God Himself. There is no other literature that makes this claim. Therefore, if the Creator, as described in the Bible is a myth and humans have evolved beyond the intelligence of Neanderthals, we should be able to demonstrate that humans have evolved into superior moral beings.

If we cannot demonstrate that people have superior morality, this could suggest that Neanderthals exist today and there is actually a Creator who wrote the Ten Commandments, as recorded in the Bible: to demonstrate the deficiency that exists in the intelligence of humans; especially, those who think they know better than the One Who Is Omniscient.

A simple test would be to memorize the Ten Commandments and then pose the following question to people:
  • The only words written in the Bible that are directly ascribed to have been written by Lord God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth (i.e. the Universe and all that is in it--except evil) are the Ten Commandments. Do you know what they are?
To help facilitate your experiment it might pay to go to the following link:

Or if you want a deeper understanding of what the Ten Commandments mean for people today, read the complete book entitled The Only Words Written By The Finger Of God at the link below

Now this is science in action; that is, if you meticulously document your results. However, you may simply want a heuristic idea as a prelude to developing your hypothesis regarding the evidence for Neanderthals existing today because of evident moral deficiency, rather than evidence for moral excellence within humans increasing.

Now if you were to find that there are Neanderthals alive today you would have to conclude that Neanderthals have not been wiped out; consequently, the theory of evolution does not hold. But don't be lazy: do your own research. I have already done mine.

If you do your own research, you will be surprised how ignorant people are in this age of enlightenment and how many, who claim they are wise, are nothing but fools. Can we call Christians who claim to be morally aware but only can recall one or two commandments "moral Neanderthals"? Of course, you would not be so limited in your understanding of morality would you?

However, I am being unfair to Neanderthals, they are now considered to be as intelligent as the hominids (sorry, the modern humans) with whom they integrated. The new scientific evidence (sorry, computer modelling) has it all worked out. Nothing like truth. It never changes. Is murder acceptable now? How about stealing? What else was in those Ten Commandments? Justice!

Friday, October 26, 2018

THE GO-TO PSYCHIC FOR THE RICH AND POWERFUL, BABA VANGA ADVISED HEADS OF STATE, SCIENTISTS AND HISTORIANS. Who Would Believe An Illiterate Bulgarian Woman Would Be Sought Out By The Rich And Powerful From All Over The World? This woman, apparently, even made the right call about Obama becoming President of United States, if you believe the pundits.

This link is for a trailer about prophet events.

Here is what the Blind prophet Baba Vanga predicted for 2016 and beyond. It is not good news!


2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent “almost empty”.
2023: The Earth’s orbit will change (nobody really knows what this means).
2025: The population of Europe will reach almost zero.
2028: Mankind will fly to Venus, in hope of finding new sources of energy.
2033: World water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt (this is already happening).
2043: Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate is complete. Rome is named the capital. The world’s economy thrives under Muslim rule.
2066: America will use a new climate change weapon for the first time in a bid to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.
2076: Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world.
2084: Nature is reborn (nobody is really sure what this means).
2100: Man-made sun illuminates the dark side of the planet (This is already in the pipeline — since 2008, scientists have been working on creating an artificial sun using nuclear fusion technology).
2130: With the help of the aliens, civilisations will live underwater.
2170: Major global drought.
2187: Two large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.
2201: Temperatures drop as the sun’s thermonuclear processes slow down.
2262: Planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet.
2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in more drought.
2480: Two artificial suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark.
3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet.
3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.
3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilisation will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.

If the Bible is correct, what this woman claims is the world of Muslim law, will be the time Lord Jesus Christ rules the Earth and the 1000 years of peace will reign, before the releasing of the Devil and his angels from the dungeon of Hell, so he can be defeated, then thrown into the eternal fire that has been created for Him and his angels. After than comes the White Throne Judgement, where everybody is called to give an account of themselves and a check is made to see whether their names are still in the Book of Life. (Revelation 20:12-15)

A brief overview of Jacob's Trouble and End Time Events is HERE.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

WHEN IS ANYTHING REAL IF WE ARE NOT SURE THAT WE ARE ALIVE. But If We Are Sure That We Are Alive Why Do We Fear Death? Maybe those who possess the Holy Spirit have the answer.

Happy Riches answers question by anonymous.
John the Baptist came on the scene claiming that the Messiah, who was to come after Him, and existed before him, was going to baptize people in the Holy Spirit.

This is what the Bible has to say:
  • John bore witness to him, and cried, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, for he was before me.” (John 1:15) 
  • I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. (Matthew 3:11)
  • On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and proclaimed, “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified. (John 7:37-39)
  • Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us. (Romans 5:1-5)
  • In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13)
  • But he who is united to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Shun immorality. Every other sin which a man commits is outside the body; but the immoral man sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:17-20)
  • And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)
The above Scriptures bear witness to my experience of the Holy Spirit. Once a person receives the Holy Spirit, the person has no doubt about Lord Jesus Christ and his, or her, life changes. There are many who claim they have the Holy Spirit, but when pushed a little, they do not exhibit the fruit (Galatians 5:22-23), rather they are just like any other person. A person who possesses the Holy Spirit actually has God Himself residing within. The person is a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and no longer merely a human being without God.

Those Filled With The Holy Spirt Know The Fear Of The Lord For They Hate Evil

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

MEDICAL SCIENCE THAT EXCITES CHRISTIANS PROVES LIFE BEGINS EARLIER IN THE WOMB. If You Could Use Stem Cells To Prove That Life Begins At The Thought, Salivators Would Turn The Vatican Into A Lab. To the astonishment of priests, a writer claims Roman Catholics claim there is no need to cure for anything, except homosexuality.

Happy RichesAnswers request by Harold Smith

Some people believe that fear is a powerful motivator. Other people like to believe that there is nothing to be afraid about because they view vaccination as safe, and nobody introduces other viruses into the body through vaccines.

The fear of getting pregnant was a strong motivator in bygone years. Woman refused to indulge in sexual intercourse before marriage because they feared the consequences of becoming pregnant.

Mind you, not all women abstained from premarital sex though and out-of-wedlock children were adopted, even aborted. Condoms were not always as safe as presupposed. The introduction of “the pill” changed sexual mores to the extent that promiscuity became commonplace before marriage.

Promiscuity after marriage has always been commonplace among the irreligious. And, too boot, cuckoldry was probably more common in the past than it is today.

One must be wary that people, who focus on having sex all the time, just might end up like the man who travelled on Epstein’s “Lolita Express”, apparently more often than at first thought. Known public liars without a sharp social conscience, are not likely to be seen hanging out with Mother Teresa types helping the poor, especially in Haiti.

Seriously, though, Christians have no need for a genital warts or vaginal cancer prevention in any form, let alone a vaccination. Especially, those who are genuine Christians. Promiscuity is not their way of life.

Vaccines Do Not Promise Eternal Life Even If They Don’t Shorten Life On Earth

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

JESUS CHRIST HAS NOT RETURNED YET, DOES THIS MEAN THAT HE HAS NOT RISEN FROM THE DEAD? Many Christians Believe Jesus Christ Is Lord Because He Rose From The Dead. The only way those who do not have a personal relationship with the risen Lord Jesus Christ believe they will know for sure that He has risen from the dead is when He returns.

Happy Riches
Happy Riches Answers request by Clark Weiler

From what little I have seen of life, generally speaking, I would say that people who make such statements are suffering from internal conflicts and need some guidance. At least, you are willing to ask the question and see what people might say.

Myself, I did not think that there was any reason to know whether Jesus rose from the dead, even though I had heard of Him. But when I saw the change in my grandparents lives—the love they manifested for each other—and they attributed this to having encountered the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, this made an impression upon me. So much so, that as a result of observing those changes, I eventually sought to know Lord Jesus Christ myself.

Now, either I was deluded when I saw the change in the my grandparents’ lives or I encountered a couple of people who had been transformed remarkably in their attitudes and outlook in life; particularly in what was a seemingly miraculous fashion—not to mention my grandfather having had his hip miraculously healed after being broken when hit by a bus. Taking the latter view that an inexplicable transformation had taken place, I sought Lord Jesus Christ and, after earnestly seeking Him, He appeared before me and imparted the assurance of eternal salvation to remain within me. This assurance still exists after forty-three years.

As for your statement, I do not think about it at all. Like water on a duck’s back really. Once a girl has menstruated, unless she is suffering from serious psychological dystrophy, she understands she is probably capable of giving birth to children, something she could not do beforehand. Likewise, the person who has received eternal life understands a change has taken place within. Once a person has received the assurance of eternal life, what anybody has to say about Jesus does not matter. Like the girl who has become a woman, the person facing death is confident of possessing eternal life. The unsaved person has become saved from death and eternal judgment. Simple really.

Say whatever you like, it doesn’t affect me, other than to merely hope that you are not deluded enough to reject your only hope of salvation, see the light and enter into the experience that I now possess.

History Cannot Be Proven, But The Now Never Ends, Unfortunately People Suffer

Sunday, October 21, 2018

WHAT DOES THE NEW TESTAMENT SAY ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY? Most People Understand That Homosexuality Is Not Endorsed By The Old Testament Let Alone The New Testament. Still homosexuals claim that there is nothing in the gospels that clearly states homosexuality is prohibited, which means it is endorsed by not being mentioned.

Happy Riches answers requested by Mathew David

God gave everybody freewill. If you want to be a homosexual, then that is your choice. However, the natural order of procreation is for a boy to become a man and a girl to become a woman. A man ejaculates. A woman ovulates. That is the natural order. Nothing about Adam and Steve in the Old Testament. Neither is their anything about Adam and Steve in the New Testament becoming one flesh. Nothing about two women becoming one flesh, either.
  • For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. (Ephesians 5:31)
  • But fornication and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is fitting among saints. Let there be no filthiness, nor silly talk, nor levity, which are not fitting; but instead let there be thanksgiving. Be sure of this, that no fornicator or impure man, or one who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for it is because of these things that the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. (Ephesians 5:3-6)
Essentially, everyone has been given the freedom to choose how they are going to live their lives on Earth. Whether they want to accept that after death comes judgment (Hebrews 9:27), this is up to them. Just remember, death tells us that there is a limit to our freedoms. Offspring require both male and female gametes.

The More Things Change The More Things Stay The Same

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Inevitability of Accountability ....

An excerpt from The ONLY Words Written By The Finger Of God.

An Inevitable Accountability

Yet Jesus’ statement informs us not everyone will be willing to face the truth about his or her life. When confronted, many of us feel ashamed and ask forgiveness. Others are like the evil ...and refuse to accept the truth, preferring to live in the shadows of their darkened beliefs about themselves. Such is the vanity that exists in the world today. People like to believe that when they grow older and die, for their evil deeds, there will be nothing to pay. Although common folk wisdom is often heard whispered in the narrow hallways of power, “What goes ’round, comes ’round,” if for no reason other than to remind those on the way up, when on the way down, if they land in a heap, that which they sow, they will also reap. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

JUDGE KAVANAUGH AND BLASEY FORD CASE HAVE LEFT DEMOCRATS RUNNING SCARED. Paid Actors Used To Create Scenes Showing Women Claiming To Be Rape Victims That Will Suffer If Kavanaugh Is Elected. Media goes apocalyptic over colture vote to approve election process of Judge Kavanaugh that will lead to military tribunals.

Senate confirms that no more investigation or debate required regarding Brett Kavanaugh before senate vote to elect nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Democrats, and those associated with them, have gone apocalyptic over the process that now has Brett Kavanaugh ready to be elected to the position of Supreme Court Justice, where he cannot be removed for thirty years. The fear of not being able to block investigations into illegal activity by people like the Clintons and Bushs (gone silent) and other criminal elements within the US government circles.

The media went into overdrive and where spreading propaganda and intimidation and attempting to incite public reaction among the crazies and scare those who they thought might change their minds, but are voting for what is deemed right. Instead of reporting the truth about the controlled exercise to push a lying psychologist as a sex victim (which having been MK Ultra controlled herself, which would have included being raped and horrifically assaulted and demonized) the corrupt media is reporting that the key senators who are going to vote in favor of Kavanaugh are evil. They are running scared.

Kavanaugh has now been investigated by the FBI 7 times. Below is the evidence of their fear, published immediately after the investigation and debate was voted as closed.
  1. Sens. Susan Collins and Jeff Flake Are Frauds, Plain and Simple. Their Kavanaugh Votes Show It. (theintercept.com)
  2. Susan Collins Supports Kavanaugh, Putting Him in Reach of Supreme Court (thedailybeast.com)
  3. Susan Collins Just Raised $2 Million for Whoever Decides to Run Against Her (esquire.com)
  4. Manchin drowned out by protesters as he explains vote (thehill.com)
  5. Activists Pledge $1.9 Million to Susan Collins’s Democratic Challenger If She Votes to Confirm Brett Kavanaugh (theintercept.com)
  6. 'You disgusting human being being': People react to Donald Trump calling sexual assault survivors elevator screamers' (yahoo.com)
  7. So it’s true: Republicans really do hate women (salon.com)
  8. More than 80 Maine writers, including Stephen King, to Sen. Collins: Vote ‘no’ on Kavanaugh (pbs.org)
  9. American Bar Association reopens Kavanaugh evaluation (pbs.org)
  10. Mueller moves for forfeiture order to seize Manafort assets (thehill.com)
  11. Susan Collins’ Senate Speech Was a Cruel Attack on Christine Blasey Ford (slate.com)
  12. If Kavanaugh Is Confirmed, We Need to Mobilize Like Never Before (thenation.com)
  13. Donald Trump has turned America into a place where victims are mocked and being merciless is a virtue (independent.co.uk)
  14. Sen. Lisa Murkowski: Brett Kavanaugh is not 'the right man for the court at this time' (washingtontimes.com)
  15. Grassley Says Workload Discourages Women Senators From Joining Judiciary Panel, Then Walks Back Remark (wsj.com)
  16. RBG Plans to Serve Supreme Court Until She's 90, Blocking Another Trump Pick (broadly.vice.com)
  17. Immigrant Girl Will Be Deported Because Adoptive Father Missed Deadline While Serving in Afghanistan (reason.com)
  18. Sen. Manchin, a Democrat, will vote to confirm Kavanaugh (valleycentral.com)
  19. Remember when Trump paid actors to cheer during his presidential campaign announcement? (theweek.com)
  20. Texas Woman's Anti-Kavanaugh Yard Sign Confiscated by Cops after GOP Official Complains (newsweek.com)
  21. Susan Collins Will Be Judged By History (slate.com)
  22. Conservatives Threaten Destroy GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowskis Career After Kavanaugh Vote (theweek.com)
  23. Murkowski Votes No On Procedural Vote For Kavanaugh (talkingpointsmemo.com)
  24. Angry over Kavanaugh’s confirmation? This fight was worth having. And it continues. (washingtonpost.com)
  25. Avenatti declares war on Susan Collins (washingtonexaminer.com)
  26. All that stands between American democracy and the abyss is your vote in November (latimes.com)
  27. Brett Kavanaugh Lied Brazenly and Repeatedly Under Oath. Any Law Student Knows He Cannot Sit on the Supreme Court (commondreams.org)
  28. Susan Rice tweets 'Me' when asked who could challenge Sen. Collins in 2020 (cnn.com)
  29. Grassley endorses conspiracy theory that women objecting to Kavanaugh are paid protesters (littlevillagemag.com)
  30. Trump reportedly got confused watching Fox News and thought North Korea was launching nukes (theweek.com)
  31. The American Bar Association is re-evaluating Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's 'well-qualified' rating ahead of the Senate vote to confirm him (businessinsider.com)
  32. George W. Bush made several calls reassuring Collins about Kavanaugh (cnn.com)
  33. A leading Holocaust historian just seriously compared the US to Nazi Germany (vox.com)
  34. Explosion of Anger, Promises to Oust Her in 2020 After Susan Collins Says "Yes" to Brett Kavanaugh (commondreams.org)
  35. American Bar Association re-opening Kavanaugh evaluation due to 'temperament' (thehill.com)
  36. Sen. Susan Collins and Brett Kavanaugh Are Both in the Bush Family Inner Circle. That Helps Explain Her Vote. (theintercept.com)
  37. Site Fundraising for Senator Collins’s Opponent Crashed by Too Many Donations (thecut.com)
  38. Brett Kavanaugh Has 'Energized' Donald Trump Impeachment Petition As It Nears 6 Million Signatures (newsweek.com)
  39. Protesters Outside McConnell’s House Drinking PBR, Chanting ‘I Like Beer’ (talkingpointsmemo.com)
  40. GOP senator's hometown paper rips him for 'medieval attitude toward all women' (thehill.com)
  41. The Supreme Court's Legitimacy Is on the Brink of Collapse (esquire.com)
  42. President Trump implies — without evidence — that protesters who confronted Flake were 'paid' (wxyz.com)
  43. Susan Collins’ Bad Faith Her pro-Cavanaugh Speech on the Senate floor was an insult to Americans' intelligence (slate.com)
  44. Prominent Democrats are already threatening to run against Susan Collins (news.vice.com)
  45. Brett Kavanaugh’s terrible non-apology reminded experts of the language of abuse (thinkprogress.org)
  46. Brett Kavanaugh’s Op-Ed Is a Good Argument Against His Confirmation (rollingstone.com)
  47. Kavanaugh: It's your fault I got this angry (news.vice.com)
  48. Ruth Bader Ginsburg denies DOJ request to block Ross deposition in 2020 Census case (thehill.com)
  49. Trump Calls Kavanaugh Protesters ‘Elevator Screamers’ Paid By Soros (talkingpointsmemo.com)
  50. Anti-rape and sexual assault activists awarded 2018 Nobel Peace Prize- (bbc.co.uk)
  51. Senator Susan Collins Betrays Women in Kavanaugh Vote Speech (thecut.com)
  52. F.B.I. Review of Kavanaugh Was Limited From the Start (nytimes.com)
  53. Coalition of 100,000 U.S. Churches Opposes Kavanaugh Nomination (democracynow.org)
  54. Brett Kavanaugh Has Been Unmasked As A Partisan Zealot — Confirming Him Would Do Lasting Damage To The Court (wbur.org)
  55. The FBI investigation into Kavanaugh didn't bring Dr. Ford justice. Sexual assault survivors like me aren't surprised. (nbcnews.com)
  56. Lady Gaga Blasts Donald Trump and GOP for Mocking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, "It's one of the most upsetting things I’ve ever witnessed.” (yahoo.com)
  57. Susan Rice suggests she would consider running against Collins (politico.com)
  58. GOP nervous ahead of Kavanaugh vote: “We don’t have 50 right now” (axios.com)
  59. Lisa Murkowski Declares Brett Kavanaugh ‘Not The Right Man’ For Supreme Court (huffingtonpost.com)
  60. Kavanaugh FBI probe was a cover-up (cnn.com)
  61. Trump opponents rejoice as US President is snubbed for Nobel peace prize in favour of campaigners against sexual violence (independent.co.uk)
  62. Progressive Group Pulls Support From 2 Democrats Over Kavanaugh (axios.com)
  63. Sen. Murkowski says she's had a #MeToo moment of her own (ktuu.com)
  64. Sen. Dick Durbin: Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court confirmation 'would shake the confidence of millions of Americans' (chicagotribune.com)
  65. Liberal Group Cuts Support For Dems Manchin, Bredesen Over Kavanaugh (thehill.com)
  66. Human Rights Watch Opposes Nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court (hrw.org)
  67. 'Such a Slap in the Face.' Sexual Assault Survivors Who Met With Susan Collins Feel Betrayed She'll Vote for Kavanaugh (time.com)
  68. Harris to Sexual Assault Survivors: "Don't Let This Process Bully You Into Silence' (thehill.com)
  69. The Kremlin’s For Kavanaugh: Russian State Media Backs Trump's Supreme Court Nominee (thedailybeast.com)
  70. America's Two-Party System Is a Lie (gq.com)
  71. Feds will soon own Manafort's Trump Tower unit, Mueller says (abcnews.go.com)
  72. FBI Probe of Brett Kavanaugh Limited By Trump White House (theatlantic.com)
  73. 10 Kavanaugh Scandals That Have Nothing to Do With Sexual Assault (motherjones.com)