Sunday, June 23, 2024

WHAT HAPPENS TO THE LITTLE CHILDREN WHO ARE NEVER BORN OR ARE STILLBORN? This Question Is Something Abortionists Do Not Give A Thought, Neither Do Those Who Are Anti-abortion And Believe The Death Of The Unborn Child Is Equivalent To Murder If Performed By A Human Being. What about the egg that is unfertilized when it dies? Is this murder to let the egg die? Is every egg a woman has meant to bring forth life? The truth is the egg cannot bring forth a living being unless it is fertilized by the sperm of the man. This act of two becoming one has much greater implications than people realize. Both the egg and the sperm come into existence, merge together to form what is biological life.

 This life is in the form of a biological fetus (the unborn) within an environment that is closed off from the world of personal awareness, individual consciousness and defined identity, designated and distinguished as a living person. 

Though not as much as when the unborn acquires the distinction of possessing personhood among those identified as living, people do wonder about the unborn and what happens to aborted fetuses. 

Do aborted fetuses become human beings in the true existence of eternity? 
Are children aborted in the womb to be found in Heaven?

 The Bible talks of us being wonderfully made in the womb:
 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.  (Psalm 139:14)

Marvelously, two cells (a spermatozoon and an ovum) become one cell (mystery of two becoming one) called a "zygote" that when fully developed becomes a baby to the joy of every loving mother and father.

 When we realize that there are so many functioning parts to a biological human being, it becomes obvious that this has not happened by chance. 

As a child, we may not know how we got here. As we grow older, we learn the truth about how we are the product of two cells coming together to form each one of us, as biological beings.

When it comes to learning the truth about our true constitution, that we are a body, a soul and a spirit with unconscious, subconscious and conscious aspects that impact our current existence, we realize that we are complex beings indeed.

There are many different views about when a "zygote" becomes a human being.  Many arguments exist. Is a fetus only human at the actual birth of a child, once the first breath is taken? Or at some stage from around six months to the birth?

Many people claim that as soon as a zygote has developed into a recognizable human in the womb, abortion becomes murder. 

Others say that aborticide is not murder if the forming baby is killed to save the mother.
Some point out that the reality is a human being consists of a spirit, a soul and a body. 

Are still born babies taken to Heaven and given a spirit?

If our Creator desired, He could create numerous Adams and Eves and give them all a spirit. Then there would be no need for the biological process of procreation.

However, our Creator decided that He would do something much different than what He had done before. 

Instead of creating spirit beings, our Heavenly Father decided He would create biological beings and provide them with spirits.

We read in the Bible that God made man in His image (male and female he made them) and gave them freewill. This way the human beings could be like God and choose to love one another, so they could appreciate each other and enjoy the delights of experiencing the procreation and raising children.

The original plan had to be salvaged because of Lucifer deciding to violate his relationship with God and challenging the authority of His Creator. Thus Lucifer brought sin to bear upon the planet Earth and caused a miscarriage of justice for those who were to be born into a world governed by sin and not righteousness.

The Lord God had to create a new plan to salvage the unexpected violation and challenge to Himself. Seriously, who would have thought anybody would have been so foolish to challenge his Creator?

So what happens to babies that are stillborn, miscarried or aborted?

Miscarriages, which are effectively natural abortions, are not considered murder. These are considered unfortunate events of nature. Miscarriages, nevertheless, occur because of sin.

What happens to incompletely developed children in the womb when a miscarriage occurs? 

The Creator of the Universe is capable of doing anything. God is capable of taking those children in the womb and allowing them to have a place in eternity, even though they were not born into this world. 

Consider the promise God gave to Abraham:

And behold, the word of the LORD came to him, “This man shall not be your heir; your own son shall be your heir.” And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” And he believed the LORD; and he reckoned it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:4-6)
Jacob was told that his descendants would be as the sand of the sea:

 But thou didst say, ‘I will do you good, and make your descendants as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude. (Genesis 32:12)
Many people have scoffed at the idea that there are as many stars as sand grains in the sea, but now scientists are having to admit that the Bible is true. For we are told that there are trillions of stars in the Heavens, in fact even more stars than what there are grains of sand on Earth. 

Simon Driver, Professor at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Western Australia spoke for scientists who had set out to answer the question of whether there are really as many stars in the Universe as there are grains of sand on Earth.

It may hurt your brain to think about it, but it seems that the answer is likely to be yes, or at least the numbers are roughly in the same ballpark.
When we add up the numbers of the Earth’s official population since the time of Abraham, who have decided to seek the truth so they can know the Son of God and secure eternal salvation, we appear to fall short by light years, if the number of descendants of Abraham are going to be in the trillions.

However, if we add every baby that was conceived, but never born, not to mention the many children who have been killed, we will probably find that there are trillions of children in Heaven already.

For there is not one child guilty of sin, who has not intentionally sinned, so how much more are those children who died prematurely not guilty of sin before they had the opportunity to sin.

Once the number of people that God has predetermined to be saved has been reached, then it is all over as far as this world is concerned. 

Lord Jesus Christ shall appear and those who are alive, who are ready and waiting, they will be taken out of the judgment that is to fall on this Earth. 

Those who are alive and those who are raised from the dead will be given immortal bodies as they are raised to meet Lord Jesus in the clouds above. 

If you think that is too incredible, just think of how a cell can become a child and how much you do not know about the function of each child's genes. God is amazing!!! 

Why shouldn't we acknowledge the greatness of our Lord God? 

Praise ye the Lord!!!
Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty firmament!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
    praise him according to his exceeding greatness!
Praise him with trumpet sound;
    praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with timbrel and dance;
    praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
    praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
 Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150 RSV)

Lord Jesus Christ Loves YOU.

Are there more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth?

The Trifid Nebula

The Trifid Nebula (Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA)

Are there really more stars in our universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth?

It may hurt your brain to think about it, but it seems that the answer is likely to be yes, or at least the numbers are roughly in the same ballpark.

Astronomers actually set out to answer this question about a decade ago. It's a tricky problem to solve, but it's slightly easier if you throw in a couple of qualifiers — that we're talking about stars in the observable universe; and grains of sand on the entire planet, not just the beaches.

The scientists started by measuring the luminosity density of a section of the universe — this is a measurement of how much light is in that space.

They then used this measurement to estimate the number of stars required to create that amount of light. This was quite a mathematical challenge!

"You have to assume that you can have one type of star represent all types of stars," says astronomer Simon Driver, Professor at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Western Australia and one of the scientists who worked on the question.

"Then let's assume, on average, this is a typical mass star that gives out the typical amount of light, so if I know that a portion of the universe is generating this amount of light, I can now say how many stars that would equate to."

Now equipped with an estimate of the number of stars within a section of the universe, the next challenge was to work out the size of the universe.

Given we know that the universe is 13.8 billion years old, we can assume that we exist in a sphere 13.8 billion light years in volume. But there's a catch: the universe is potentially infinite in size.

"We know that it has a finite age — we know it started 13.8 billion years ago — but spatially, in terms of its extent, it could be infinite," Driver says. However we also know that because of its age, we exist in a bubble within that infiniteness, and that bubble is called the 'observable' universe.

After all these calculations and caveats, Driver and colleagues came up with a figure of seven followed by 22 zeros, or 70 thousand million, million, million stars in the observable universe.

That's 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars!

So what about grains of sand on Earth?

"That was almost harder to work out than the number of stars," Driver says.

Luckily, someone suggested starting with the Sahara Desert, which is home to around half of all the grains of sand on Earth.

"That made it easier; I then just had to work out how many grains of sand are in the Sahara, and I didn't have to worry about every beach on the planet," Driver recalls.

He found the total size of the Sahara, the average depth of sand across the Sahara and from that was able to calculate the approximate number of grains of sand in the Sahara.

"Once I got all that I could put all those numbers together and got a number that was remarkably close to the figure for the number of stars, but just a little bit less," he says. "It was about a factor of 10 smaller, but there's easily a factor of 10 error in both of those estimates so it could just as easily be the other way around."

That's 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars versus 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 grains of sand!

So even though it's an impossible question to answer definitively, it seems that the mind-bending possibility of so many stars existing in the universe is actually true.

Professor Simon Driver spoke with Bianca Nogrady

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