Friday, May 8, 2020

THE TRUTH ABOUT COVID-19 IS ALARMING. COVID-19 Could Prove To Be The Biggest Hoax In History And The Most Costly. All the evidence points to the COVID-19 pandemic being a plandemic to oust Donald Trump from being re-elected President.

Is it true this Coronavirus was created?
Unless you are an actual witness to an event, you have to rely upon what other people say. This even gets trickier when the people reporting on an event are not eyewitnesses themselves. Investigators have to begin digging up facts and sifting through information to determine the reliability of their sources. Unreliable sources lead investigators down dead ends. Over time, experience begins to reveal what sources are more reliable than others, and which sources have a particular bias in their reporting.

Fake news has always been reported. Known as propaganda, fake news has flooded the airways since the beginning of radio, and has always been found in print. Not being a witness to what happened in respect to the first case of COVID-19 being introduced into the human population, I have to rely upon the information that I learn from others to assess whether COVID-19 was created in a laboratory.

What is Coronavirus?
According to what I have read, coronaviruses are found in animals and humans. In fact, there are four coronaviruses reportedly responsible for 20% of the common colds. Rhinoviruses are responsible for the other 80% of common colds.

The problem with those statistics is this: unless every person who has a cold is tested, the reliability of those statistics is questionable. Maybe coronaviruses are responsible for 80% of colds in one season or in a certain region but not others. What are we to do with the information? Take it at face value for now.

Coronaviruses Move From Animals To Humans
Two coronaviruses we are told originate from animals. MERS, the deadliest, comes from camels and outbreaks appear to be not uncommon in the Middle East. SARS comes from bats and originated in China.

Laboratory Testing
Animals are used frequently for testing in laboratories. The question is did the coronavirus purportedly causing the current pandemic originate in a lab. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states:
In 2003 SARS took some time to be tested after the outbreak and determinations required quite some a number of procedures that took more time than it takes to determine a blood type. The Center for Disease Control (USA) reports in 2003 SARS-CoV:
These clinical histories are similar to those reported from Canada and Hong Kong, but, as of April 9, no initial characteristic signs or symptoms that clearly distinguish SARS from pneumonia caused by other pathogens have been described (4,6--8). However, if this novel coronavirus is the cause of SARS in these patients, the clinical symptoms described in this report most likely do not represent the full spectrum of illness related to coronavirus infection. Viruses that cause respiratory illness typically are capable of causing a range of clinical manifestations, and asymptomatic infections are possible.
The CDC is essentially saying pneumonia is the cause of deaths associated with coronavirus. Differing from rhinoviruses, coronavirus appears to be more severe and, as does influenza, weakens the immune system and provides conditions for the pneumococcal pathogen to suffocate the host.

Pneumonia is not created in a lab, but has been circulating opportunistically among humans for a long time. When people’s immune systems are down, deadly pneumonia strikes quickly. In fact pneumonia kills more people than most other diseases.

According to the website, Our World in Data, pneumonia increased among people older than 70 years in 2017, accounting for more than half the deaths, worldwide. Among children pneumonia fell because of improvements in the major risk factors conducive to the disease. These were air pollution, poor sanitation (include sewage, clean water and access to electricity) poverty, and childhood wasting,

Heart disease is now the leading cause of death according to WHO, but when lower respiratory infections and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are added together for the year 2000, suffocation in the lungs was the leading cause of death worldwide. In fact, disease associated with lungs was the leading cause of death still in WHO’s 2018 publication, even though the number of deaths from heart disease increased around 30%.

Information is being floated that this COVID-19 came out of the Wuhan wet markets from either bats or pangolins that was preplanned at some point:
  1. COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin. For decades wet markets have been believed to be a continuing source of severe acute respiratory syndrome and influenza?
  2. Coronavirus may have actually started in secret lab 280m from wet market at the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory (Level 4) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
  3. Fort Detrick USA has a Biosafety Laboratory but evidently cannot create bio-weapons so the facilities testing moved to Wuhan under the direction of Anthony Fauci. However this is believed to be part of China’s coronavirus disinformation campaign.
  4. Dr. Fauci backed funding for controversial Wuhan lab studying origin of coronavirus
  5. Fauci, Birx. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from WHO, Bill Gates and Soros are involved in a web of associations portrayed as the Trojan horse of tyranny.
  6. At a forum held in October in 1990 in conjuction with John Hopkins and Bloomberg, Gates et al considered how pandemic killing 26 million people would impact the world economy.
  7. .Exclusive: US Army Brought COVID-19 to China with Fake ‘Military Games’ Team resulting first cases being discovered Wuhan in November, 2019.
Purpose of Virus
Another scenario is that after having been created in the lab, China released the coronavirus with the aim of:
  1. Damage the US economy
  2. Making Trump unelectable
  3. Kill off as many elderly people as possible
  4. Make a financial killing manufacturing vaccines and equipment for COVID-19.
  5. Return Democrats to power through mail in voting.
  6. Renege on Trump trade deals
  7. Revert to 16 year plan of destroying USA that began with Obama
Elderly People
Apparently more elderly people vote conservative, having realized that progressive policies are irresponsible, as they themselves became more responsible, when having had to look after families and make ends meet. Killing off the elderly in the USA means getting rid of Trump voters.

The death toll among the elderly does not seem to be anything out of the norm and consistent with people getting influenza and dying from pneumonia. Streptococcus pneumoniae is part of the normal upper respiratory tract flora. As with many natural flora, it can become pathogenic under the right conditions, typically when the immune system of the host is suppressed.

Cruise ships are notorious for viruses spreading throughout the passengers, especially influenza, outside of traditional influenza seasons. Under normal circumstances, the passengers, who are mostly elderly, if they are very ill are taken to doctors. Some die in hospital or at home, but this is not noted. Nevertheless, keeping chronically ill passengers on cruise ships under stressful conditions is conducive to weakening their immune systems and creating the conditions for an evolution of the normal flora within the upper respiratory tract into the virulent pathogenic S. pneumoniae.

An Opinion
In the New York Times, subway conductor and author, Sujatha Gidla tells how she contracted coronavirus and was panicked. She claims that workers are not essential but sacrificial. From what she writes, clearly the propaganda has gotten to her. Had this been the influenza pandemic one wonders whether the daily reporting would have created such concern. The CDC is expecting 48,000 deaths from the flu. Could these deaths be reported as COVID-19? Unfortunately, her article published in the New York Times (presumably for which she was paid) did not provide facts, just hysteria.

In Australia, the propaganda has been so brilliant, the majority of the population believes that together they have saved a nation from a worldwide pandemic and becoming a mass graveyard. Most of the deaths have been the result of elderly passengers testing positive for a coronavirus being quarantined or put on intubators, apart from Newmarch House aged care home where 11 have died.

Questions are raised whether these deaths are actually CoV deaths because the majority of people are elderly and no autopsy is performed to determine the cause of death. This oversight is evident in the report of a “36-year-old Australian man diagnosed with COVID-19 died in Iceland, however doctors believe the man’s symptoms were not typical of the virus and are still investigating his cause of death.”

False Positives
The above presents only a snapshot of the information that can be sourced to present evidence that what is called COVID-19 might not be a coronavirus at all or was created in a lab.

The many false tests that have been reported prompted the Tanzanian President to evaluate the WHO tests sent to his nation. They proved to be showing false positives.

The Tanzania President John Magufuli decided to see how the accurate the WHO COVID-19 tests were really. He sent to a laboratory samples of a goat, a sheep and a pawpaw labeled as samples obtained from different people. The laboratory reported that the samples he sent all tested positive for human COVID-19.

Governments are opportunistically gaining more control over people—everyone has to have an app for monitoring—while scaring everybody with propaganda that they might die, contrary to the evidence that only people with suppressed immune systems are dying, who are, in the main, over 70 years old.

There also is much evidence surfacing that seems to implicate that a virus may have been purposefully released with the assistance of actors conspiring to bring down Trump, which seems to be further confirmed for the push for mail in voting by the Democrats, and even by the Center for Disease Control, rather than accept proof of identity for each vote.

Overall, there does appear to be a concerted effort to create a worldwide depression, which suggests that a virus may have been created in Wuhan for geopolitical or economic reasons, for the benefit of certain persons or some elite groups to gain the ascendancy on the world stage.

When considering the reports of evidence, the likelihood of this virus being created is high. In fact, whistle-blower, virologist/microbiologist Dr. Judy Mikovits, who worked on identifying the AIDS/HIV and isolated the virus that causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, says that if the virus exists it would be a retrovirus. Evidently, according to her, viruses are part of the natural flora of humans, except when they become virulent, having been activated by a retrovirus.

Another alarming fact is censorship is occurring on social media platforms suppressing discussion about the origins of this current purported pandemic.

Unless I was actually in the laboratory and saw the manufacturing of this virus, I cannot say whether it was created or not. I can only present some of what is happening and some of what I have learned from various sources, there is much more. What you make of the information is up to yourself.
Discerning Truth Is Not Always Easy, Open Societies Have Nothing To Hide

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