Thursday, December 28, 2023

HOWARD PITTMAN SUFFERED A RUPTURED ANEURISM AND WAS DESTINED TO HELL. He Heard From The Devil Before He Went To Heaven And Was Shown How The Evil One Plans His Strategies To Ensnare People. Afterwards God spoke to Howard and gave him five key points about living life on Earth.

We live in a world where our purpose for being here is misunderstood by most because they don't know why they are here. On the other hand, there are those who will tell you that they know why they are here.

Howard Pittman was a preacher who had graduated from Bible seminary in good olĂ©' Southern Baptist tradition.  One day events were such that he found himself on death's door. Howard thought his good works would save him, but a ruptured aneurysm nearly took him to Hell.   Anyhow, he had a spiritual experience where he went to Heaven.   The Devil spoke to him and he heard the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. It was like music to his ears.

God eventually spoke to Howard. Unlike the Devil's voice, God's voice sounded like thunder. Some time afterwards, God spoke to Howard again and gave him a 5 point message for people who call themselves Christians.

The First Point

Today is the age of the Laodicean Church mentioned in the book of Revelation (even though people say that this is not so). The Laodicean Church Age is the last of the Seven Church Ages mentioned in the book of Revelation.  

The people in this church profess with their mouth that they believe Jesus is their Lord, but their lifestyles do not demonstrate He is their Lord. Evidently, even though the people are fully clothed and look the part in their suits and beautiful garments, they do not know they are spiritually naked . The spiritual apathy of the people who claim they are Christians causes Lord Jesus to vomit.

Everyone who calls him- or herself a Christian has to be on fire for Jesus. Those who are lukewarm are spewed out of His mouth.

The Second Point

Everyone has a personal adversary. He is very powerful. His name is Satan, the Devil, the accuser. The accuser stands before God and like a prosecutor in a court, outlines why people cannot be saved from eternal damnation. 

Anybody who thinks that they can violate God's Law, the Ten Commandments, and enter eternal life after this existence are mistaken. No matter how much good a person does, it is as a soiled nappy in God's sight, even if a person's butt has been cleaned.

If a person doesn't have a personal relationship with Lord Jesus Christ, then they are lost. The Devil is not worried about them because they are already condemned. If anyone decides to look for the truth and seeks to know the resurrected Lord of Life, Lord Jesus Christ, then the Devil will attempt to stop this from happening.

The Third Point

If you expect to see God's power manifest in your life, you have to live the life expected of someone who names Jesus Christ as Lord.

The word Christian means belonging to Christ, not just pertaining to Christ, as many think. If something pertains to Christ, this is not the same as belonging to Christ. The creations of humans belong to them. The Creation of God belongs to Him. 

What God has created has a quality that humans cannot copy or manufacture. The sense of wonderment and awe is missing. 

A painter may paint a blue sky, but it does not capture the essence of wonderment and awe that is sensed when looking at the sky. When we begin talking about sunsets and sunrises, our Creator God surpasses any human attempt. There is no comparison between what man can do and what God can do.

When it comes to spiritual matters, even life itself, God sees that many talk, the talk; but not too many walk the walk. This is the reason few are chosen, even though many acknowledge God's call.

The Fourth Point

As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days before the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Noah's day mankind had two priorities, wealth and pleasure. Today Christians are focused on wealth and pleasure.  Besides this we also see that there is much violence happening around the globe, just as in the days of Noah.

Genesis 6:11-13 reads: Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth. (ESV)

The Fifth Point

Lord Jesus Christ baptizes people in the Holy Spirit and Fire. People think that when they are speaking in unknown tongues they are saved and have  been baptized in the Holy Spirit. However, unless they have the fire, and the chaff in their life is burned, they are not saved. 

Matthew 7:21-23 says that Lord Jesus said: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’  And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

In the video above, Howard Pittman tells his account of hearing the Devil's voice, hearing God's voice and what he saw when he was presumably dead.

Sharing is caring!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

If there really is no God and life after death, doesn’t that mean life has no purpose and basically we are all accidents based on random chance?

If there is no life after death then whatever we do is in vain. This is the thesis of the book of Ecclesiastes written by the man accredited as being the wisest man in the world. He calls what he has to write, the words of the preacher. 

The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. (Ecclesiastes 1:1)

All too often people get caught up in what they are doing and they think that life is just fine, until one day they look in the mirror and their head is bald, or their hair has turned grey, or white, and their face has become craggy, adorned with bags under their eyes.

Eventually, they find they are not able to get out of bed so sprightly. The eternal youth is not so everlasting. The day no longer becomes something of which to look forward with the wonder of when they were a child. The various joint pains are not the same as the alarm that announced recess, which meant playtime and fun in the early years at school.

Growing old, losing one’s eyesight, becoming weaker and experiencing stiff joints more often, as various forms of numbness set in, accompanied by intermittent neuralgia, to suggest all this is caused by random acts of chance and it is not indicative of the second law of thermodynamics is illogical.

The aging process is not an act of chance. Having a bird hit you with a fecal bomb, when walking in an open field, might be a chance event, but not growing old.

Everyone grows old. Even the singer Cliff Richard, who at 60 looked like he had found the fountain of youth. Still, no matter what he was doing to resist the downhill slope. he was not exempt from the law of entropy: the tendency for all matter and energy in the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity,

 formulated as the second law of thermodynamics.

Cliff Richard looks older these days. On October 14, 2023, Cliff Richard celebrated 83 years on Earth.

Could Cliff Richard imagine himself not existing when he dies? It’s very hard to do.

Imagining yourself not thinking, not having consciousness, is not only difficult to conceive but means you are just one form of meaningless energy that returns to another form. Something like a cow in India eating grass only to die and be eaten by vultures.

Regardless of what biological life forms take up the energy, this is not going to establish ultimate meaning, nor make your life eternally significant. Actually, thinking about having a meaningful life when embedded among the suffering that exists around us, and that which we experience, just causes us pain. Suffering itself is being an unnecessary pain, it is easier to ignore and think of something else. Reality on this planet is not about blissful living.

Anyone adhering to the view that there is no Creator, and claiming that after death we have to satisfy the laws of karma, has to be deluded. The mere implication that there are laws of karma, or laws of anything, indicates a creator of those laws exists. Anyhow, the wise recognize the absurdity that is evident in any assertion that laws don’t need a creator. The fact is laws need a creator and it is extremely outrageous to insist that they don’t. Such an insane idea has to have come from human imagination — and one affected by LSD or the like.

Cliff Richard saw people suffering during famines of the Third World countries. I am led to believe this caused him to reach out to God.

The injustice of being born into a world of suffering, and not having asked to be born, ought to be recognized by us all. Surely, someone has to have caused this. One thing for sure, it wasn’t you. But you are here. Why? Maybe you are seeking to know the truth!

A woman was raped and had a son. Named John, you could say he is a product of a chance event, a random rape.

John grew up not knowing his mother. He was placed into a Roman Catholic boy’s home, where he suffered the indignity of being sodomized and abused by those who were supposed to protect him.

Years later, after he was drafted into the army, John became an alcoholic. Having a good voice, upon leaving the army, he became an opera singer. Unfortunately, alcohol killed his career. At the age of 46, John joined Alcoholics Anonymous. The last 30 years has seen sobriety bring a major change to his life.

When John turned to God, he forgave everyone who had harmed him, no longer permitting them to continue their psychological abuse and exist rent free in his mind. Even though John’s existence here on Earth was a chance event — the unintended product of a woman being raped — there was nothing random about his decision to take control of his own life and seek out God, forgive his abusers and live to bring attention to humankind’s true purpose on this planet.

That there is a purpose for our being here, we cannot deny — even if we know it not. Nevertheless, we have to discover it for ourselves. But if we think being born to die has meaning, instead of being a futile existence, then we are fooling ourselves.

There was a time when a man known as Saul of Tarsus thought he had a purpose when a practicing Jew. He fulfilled this purpose by making a name for himself killing Christians.

After having a personal encounter with the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, who had been killed by crucifixion on the Cross of Calvary, Saul of Tarsus became the Apostle Paul.

After some years of being a Christian, possessing a renewed mind and an enlightened perspective concerning the truth about existence, the Apostle Paul wrote about God’s eternal purpose that has been realized in Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 3:10-12), which is accompanied by the assurance that comes with the baptism of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 1:22).

If there were no Creator, life would have no purpose, as it wouldn’t exist as we know it. Chance events may occur within this existence. However, if there were only chance events, nothing could be counted upon happening a second or third time. Chance would not allow it to happen. Everything would be chaotic.

The Truth About Futility And Its Accompanying Unjust Suffering Exists


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

DOES IT MATTER IF THERE IS NO GOD? Is There Really No After Life? Who cares if we are destined to become fertilizer?

 If there is no God or afterlife and where all destined for the fertilizer pit when we die why does anything matter? Why does it matter if we are good or bad people regardless we all end up going to the same place anyways ultimately, am I wrong?

You ask whether you are wrong for proposing that nothing matters because:

  • there is no God,
  • there is no afterlife,
  • there is no point in being good,
  • there is no point in being bad, for
  • everyone ends up being fertilizer.

At the heart of what you propose are the questions for which every one of us has to find the answers, if we are to discover the truth about our existence.

The three questions everyone needs to have answered are:

  1. Why is life futile?
  2. Why is life so unjust?
  3. Why is love so fleeting?
  What is Futility? We Share Because We Care

The answers are found once we discover the truth about our existence on this Earth. Not because someone has said that the Creator God exists, or justice is found in recompense, or love is a sacrificial offering of oneself for another person, or other persons.

Love that has no eternal worth is merely the same as a flower that ends its season rotten.

There Has To Be A Way To Find The Truth That Leads To Life Everlasting

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Different Views On The Middle Eastern Conflict Are Claimed To Be Supported By The Same Blueprint

 The conflict in the Middle East is positioned within different worldviews.

History tells us that certain individuals have a desire to conquer the world and go on rampages shooting, looting, and rooting out ethnicities they abhor, so they are the overlords (e.g. Alexander the Great & Genghis Khan).



In the Bible, we read this fascinating statement: 


  • In the spring of the year, the time when kings go forth to battle, David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they ravaged the Ammonites, and besieged Rabbah. (2 Samuel 11:1)

War keeps people loyal to rulers. The ruling lord protects subjects from the other war lords. The testosterone of youth has an outlet. The egotistical, muscled, gorilla-like male soldiers can beat their chest. Heroes are made for the children, the feeble, the women and lesser subjects at home to idolize. 


The ruling class know that unless they can control those over whom they rule, they will be dismissed, and have to do what everyone else does to survive. Ego deflated, Humpty Dumpty falls off the perch, along with his privileged lifestyle.


Taking the above into consideration, what is happening in the Middle East is nothing more than history repeating itself within a modern context.


Another view is that Jews are God's chosen people and within the Bible it states that they are promised an eternal right to occupy and rule over the land between the Euphrates and Nile rivers. 


A third view is that the Ashkenazim originated from the ancient Khazars and are simply doing what they have always done: steal, pillage and destroy what belongs to others.


A fourth view is that today's Jews have rejected their Messiah and are seeking to return to Jerusalem to await the coming of the King of Kings, who will set up an eternal government over the globe, wherein they will rule the peoples of the Earth.


A fifth view is that today's Jews are of the Synagogue of Satan and are simply fulfilling what is written in Bible prophecy. They will set up a temple in Jerusalem and deceive the world by creating a fake messiah as the King of kings over the Earth. Many in the world will be deceived and accept him to be Lord Jesus Christ returned.


In respect to the fifth view, this is clearly outlined in the Bible, and is what we see taking place today. Like many matters, there are numerous variations regarding interpretations of events when it comes to incorporating exactly how this is to happen. The fifth view actually incorporates elements of the other views when the puzzle is pieced together.


Realistically, we have to admit, for any prophetic event to happen, all that is required is the prophecy and its fulfillment. While the prophecy is being fulfilled, unless we understand the big picture, we cannot form an accurate view of what to expect. Once fulfilled, we can then (diagnostically) analyze how events unfolded.  



In some ways, it's like a child thinking that, by eating only Big Macs with fries, illness will never occur. Told illness is likely to happen, being healthy, the child shrugs off the prediction. 


Forty years later, suffering from consequential subclinical scurvy, systemic lupus erythematosus, premature aging and bronchial pneumonia, a medical diagnosis is sought. 

Unless the one making the diagnosis understands the person's eating habits and lifestyle since a child, a misdiagnosis and lack of remedy is likely  one of the reasons iatrogenesis is the USA's third leading cause of death.



For the Bible's prophecies to be fulfilled, certain events have to happen. 

We can say that the Synagogue of Satan is simply following what is written in the Bible to set up a one world government under a new world order, having brought about a devastating global financial collapse, and this has nothing to do with biblical prophecy being fulfilled.


Having only read the Bible from Genesis to Job, when I first heard of the rapture of genuine Christians, I thought the preacher was mad — insane, crazy! 


However, that night (Feb. 1975) in a vivid dream, I was shown:


1.    The Spirit pouring out the latter rain before the final harvest (Joel 2.23James 5:7),

2.   and speaking to the wise in what seems like thunders to the unsaved and foolish half-hearted Christians (Revelation 10:1-4Matthew 24:1-12),

3.  before Lord Jesus raptures the genuine Christians to meet Him in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17),

4.   as our bodies are instantly changed from mortal flesh (1 Corinthians 15:51-53),

5.   a short period after the Antichrist has been declared to be the coming Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:4),

6.   with the deceived choosing to worship this imposter (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12Revelation 13:4),

7.   who came out of a country that is an island North West of Israel (Daniel 8:9).

While reading the rest of the Bible, I found all the seven points I was shown in the dream are corroborated by the Scriptures, as indicated above.


Over the years, I have found that while there are many dogmatic assertions about numerous matters (all based on the Bible), what I have learned, here a little and there a little, stacks up. 


Taking an objective view, and being a practical person, when I finally decided to analyze the prophecies in the book of Daniel to see how valid they are today, I discovered the majority of interpretations all fall short because they overlook certain criteria that need to be taken into account.



Misinterpretation occurs interpreting the book of Revelation (written AD 95-96), which clearly states in the first sentence that it is not about past events. 


  • The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants what must soon take place.... (Revelation 1:1)

Yet numerous interpreters claim that events in Revelation refer to the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 and the fall of angels from God's presence prior to the flood of Genesis, not recognizing that "what soon must take place" means "everything written now" is to occur "afterwards" (AD 96+) and has not happened prior to this.



The problem with the word "soon" is it may mean "next week" or "next month" or "next year". 

However, when downloading instructions from the Eternal One, who lives outside of time, "soon" could even mean "two thousand years".


Today, though, we are seeing events unfold that demonstrate the "soon" in the first sentence of the Book of Revelation is very pressing  something not seen before in history.



From the 1970s to 2000s, Bible-thumping eschatologists were not making sense to me:

  • The Roman Empire being formed again never looked like happening.

(NB: the church, on the other hand, as a spiritual entity was formed in a single day.)


Regardless of what spin a person puts on the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, its reality is being fulfilled before our very eyes.  


We care. We share.